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Child Quotes

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As a child, I wanted to marry a farmer, but no doubt the reality would have been very different to the idyll in my head  (Child Quotes) In many respects a teenage girl’s home is more important to her than at any time since she was a small child. She also needs emotional support and protection from the most corrosive cultural forces that seek to exploit her when she is least able to resist  (Child Quotes) When I was a child, writing was the worst possible choice of a career in my family  (Child Quotes) I think it’s important to recall... what you remember your grandmother making, where you’re from and the foods you enjoyed as a child yourself, and pass that information off to your kids  (Child Quotes) I was a precocious only child, and then I went through a fat, awkward stage for several years, so I learned to fall back on my humor and personality when I was growing up. It’s how you survive, so I think it was more of a natural progression for me, developing into comedy  (Child Quotes) My first priority is to my wife, as hers is to me, and to our child  (Child Quotes) I’ve never been around pets. I didn’t have pets as a child  (Child Quotes) The woods are a place where children can go to think. Children gravitate towards these spaces. When I was a child it was nothing more than a scrubby little overhang under a rhododendron bush, but it was incredibly important to me  (Child Quotes) You can have the best vaccines for a woman or her child, but if you can’t get her to come and get them then they won’t work  (Child Quotes) In my early days, I was about 145 pounds. I was really a starving artist; the poster child for starving artists  (Child Quotes) I’m a child of immigrants. That is the history of this country. Immigration is good and important for our country. Legal immigration needs to really be modernized  (Child Quotes) I don’t think that anyone can prepare for raising a child. I think it’s one of those jobs that is far more overwhelming than you could ever expect and far more satisfying than you can ever expect  (Child Quotes) It’s very easy to get excited about a job, but it’s a big commitment because you do it and then you have to live with it when it’s finished. It’s forever in your section in the video store. It’s you. It’s almost like deciding who you have a child with  (Child Quotes) It’s every man for himself, every woman, every child. A new breed ferocious and wild  (Child Quotes) When a child is born into this world it has no concept of the tone the skin is living in  (Child Quotes) If a child never sees the stars, never has meaningful encounters with other species, never experiences the richness of nature, what happens to that child?  (Child Quotes) In life’s rich beauty pageant we put children on a stage, said flash your soft white belly child, but just don’t act your age  (Child Quotes) No mommy’s kisses and no daddy’s smile. Nobody wants me, I’m nobody’s child  (Child Quotes) Forgiveness is that subtle thread that binds both love and friendship. Without forgiveness, you may not even have a child one day  (Child Quotes) I don’t like explosions. I don’t mind progress. But digital photography has made every man, woman, child and chimpanzee a photographer of sorts and consequently has numbed down the general quality of photographs  (Child Quotes) I look for the safety of my child. I don’t really care about me  (Child Quotes) I was never taught how to raise a child, because I wasn’t raised properly  (Child Quotes) I’m just not one of those people who thought having biological children was that important, to me it was more about wanting to raise a child  (Child Quotes) Before my first child was born, I had nothing going on professionally really, and it’s been a very blessed period of creativity for me since he arrived. It’s very surreal. It’s almost as if the babies are out there pulling strings somewhere, deciding what kind of life they want to be born into  (Child Quotes) I would never, ever desert my child. A lot of my friends didn’t have fathers growing up, and they were very upset that their fathers weren’t around. I was lucky to have mine around  (Child Quotes) I grew up hearing about the walking undead. I had a fascination with it as a child  (Child Quotes) When I was 5 years old I started singing in church and I hated my voice because I sounded like a grown woman, not a child. I was ashamed of it  (Child Quotes) I was a slightly melancholy child and I think films were a way of escaping for me  (Child Quotes) Divorce is, of course, difficult for a child. I didn’t go through it as my parents stayed together, but I have a lot of friends who did  (Child Quotes) I always say, you never know how much your parents loved you until you have a child to love  (Child Quotes)
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