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Child Quotes

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Oh teacher, I need you like a little child, you got something in you to drive a school boy wild  (Child Quotes) I think especially in her position, a highly successful professional woman, it would be a real exception to have an unwed child  (Child Quotes) There’s nothing I liked visually of the period I was a child. There was no dream in it, and nothing sparkled  (Child Quotes) I never wanted to design clothes. I never wanted to work for the fashion industry. Shoes sort of belong to the fashion industry, which is why I’m part of the fashion industry. But that’s never been my thought. My thought since I was a child was really to design those shoes for girls on stage  (Child Quotes) I loved acting, I started as a child and it is interesting because I didn’t compare myself to others that were doing the same thing. I just felt that I needed to stay focused and stay out of trouble  (Child Quotes) I’ve got a vibe going on with a lot of what I’ve been doing, and to completely change it based off of me having a child might be a little confusing. I’m sure as my life goes forward, and she starts growing up, there will be a lot more things to include in my music. But, at this point, I’m just sticking to what I do  (Child Quotes) Some people manage to make that transition from child actor to adult actor seamlessly. But I felt that if I spent my whole life on a film set without taking a few years to do something else, all I would ever know about was film sets  (Child Quotes) You can’t force your child to go to bed. Well, you can, but it doesn’t work  (Child Quotes) I began drawing as a very young child and had a grandfather who experimented with photography, so those things constituted my first exposure to art  (Child Quotes) Since I was a small child, I was always writing either poems or plays... plays in which I had the starring part  (Child Quotes) My own perception of cops was that they came into your neighborhood, they roughed up people that you loved for no reason and took them away. As a child you saw that  (Child Quotes) My mother’s kitchen was built to be the focal point of our house. I got into the kitchen often as a child  (Child Quotes) A child is imprinted not by simply teaching. But their attention is like soft clay. The attention field of adults is stratified. They are like hard clay and we push them on each side of the child’s attention field  (Child Quotes) Just being around the awareness field of the male or female imprinter, the child is imprinted  (Child Quotes) The male or female that the child has the most exposure to in the first four to six years of its life is the primary imprinter of the child  (Child Quotes) If we experienced life through the eyes of a child, everything would be magical and extraordinary. Let our curiosity, adventure and wonder of life never end  (Child Quotes) My parents told me in the very beginning as a young child when I raised the question about segregation and racial discrimination, they told me not to get in the way, not to get in trouble, not to make any noise  (Child Quotes) When I had a child, everyone was telling me that I was going to see the world through her eyes, and everything was going to get this nice gloss to it. I kept waiting for that to happen, and thought there was a real problem with me that it wasn’t  (Child Quotes) When the babies were very young, I found it difficult to write. I told myself each time that it would be different, I was used to it now, but with every child, for the first four months, I would accomplish nothing  (Child Quotes) I had a messy signature as a child, and my grandmother said this suggested I had no regard for other people. She was right  (Child Quotes) I’m a single child. I wanted a little brother or a little sister growing up, but when I think about it, I’m happy I’m an only child  (Child Quotes) Being on a movie set when you have a great strong people there supporting you can be very nurturing. You get to explore these creative parts of yourself as a child that most people don’t explore until they’re in college  (Child Quotes) My mom had an audition for a commercial when I was about two and a half, and I ran in crying and interrupted her. They thought I was cute so they offered me a commercial role. My mom was skeptical and a bit nervous about the child actor thing, but I was extremely bossy and convinced them I wanted to try it  (Child Quotes) We’re expanding the brand. Bojana and I are indeed awaiting our second child. We’re very excited  (Child Quotes) I was standing in the schoolyard waiting for a child when another mother came up to me. Have you found work yet? she asked. Or are you still just writing?  (Child Quotes) The principal agent is the object itself and not the instruction given by the teacher. It is the child who uses the objects; it is the child who is active, and not the teacher  (Child Quotes) Kindness is not like a barter, so much for so much; or so much by contract, and my duty done. But kindness is like a righteousness or like a worship, not done unless it be done all I can. For the heart must run forth without measure like a child, and kindness be wound around like a child’s arms about the neck, not by measure, but as tightly and as long as they can be  (Child Quotes) I was a sidelines child: never class president, never team captain, never the one with the most valentines in my box  (Child Quotes) I never really had that father figure to look up to. I think that’s the reason I’m so ambitious. I felt like I wasn’t appreciated as a child so I wanted to prove my worth as an adult, as an actor  (Child Quotes) I’ve loved fairytales, folklore and mythology since I was a small child, and I think it was inevitable that they would influence my style and my development of stories  (Child Quotes)
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