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Child Quotes

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Arrogance is truly the child of impiety, but from health of soul comes happiness, dear to all, much prayed for  (Child Quotes) Always admired men who had many women. It must be that to a child of a dissatisfied woman the idea of monogamy is hollow  (Child Quotes) I didn’t have things as a child, and I was determined to get them  (Child Quotes) I have a big family and no one ever treated me like a child. They always treated me like an adult, like an equal  (Child Quotes) In fact if you’re a mother or a father, you’re filled with oxytocin when you have a child. It makes you love the baby, even though they look like a lizard.You’ll think it’s the beautiful thing in the world  (Child Quotes) A woman can do anything a man can do today and then some. She can even have a child without a man  (Child Quotes) Unlike a child in a totally urban environment, my friends and peer group were not only other children, but also wild and domesticated animals, plants of every sort, brooks and waterfalls, rocks and sand  (Child Quotes) When I was a child of four I wasn’t really drawing like a child, I wasn’t sketching as a child. I would sketch and I was using perspective, the good relationship of the subject  (Child Quotes) It is exactly in the repetition of the exercises that the education of the senses exists; not that the child shall know colors, forms or qualities, but that he refine his senses through an exercise of attention, comparison and judgment  (Child Quotes) Whilst child abuse may be committed behind closed doors, it should never be swept under the carpet  (Child Quotes) Fascinatingly resilient the tenacity of a child. Not yet conditioned by society to give up when instructed to do so  (Child Quotes) If every child might live the life predestined in a mother’s heart, all the way from the cradle to the coffin, he would walk upon a beam of light, and shine in glory  (Child Quotes) There is nothing fine about being a child: it is fine, when we are old, too look back to when we were children  (Child Quotes) If men had to bear babies, there’d never be more than one child in a family  (Child Quotes) Women love a sick child or a healthy animal; A man who is both itches them like an incubus  (Child Quotes) Children of those who have been incarcerated are five times more likely to go to prison than children of parents who have never been incarcerated. The sins of the father visiting the child  (Child Quotes) I know that a sweet child is the sweetest thing in nature, not even excepting the delicate creatures which bear them  (Child Quotes) On every formal visit a child ought to be of the party, by way of provisions for discourse  (Child Quotes) Lifetime is a child at play, moving pieces in a game. Kingship belongs to the child  (Child Quotes) Oh yeah, gossip. I heard you on the secret wireless. You know the devil’s radio child  (Child Quotes) Every stage of education begins with childhood. That is why the most educated person on earth so much resembles a child  (Child Quotes) A single spark of occasion discharges the child of passions into a thousand crackers of desire  (Child Quotes) The birth of a child is the imprisonment of a soul. The soul must work its way out of prison, and, in doing so, provide itself with wings for a future journey. It is for each of us to determine whether our wings shall be those of an angel or a grub!  (Child Quotes) She can kill with a smile. She can wound with her eyes. She can ruin your faith with her casual lies. And she only reveals what she wants you to see. She hides like a child, but she’s always a woman to me  (Child Quotes) When we commit violence against an infant girl, we call it child abuse; when we commit violence against an infant boy, we call it circumcision  (Child Quotes) Teaching the child to treat boundaries seriously teaches the child to respect the rights and needs of others. Thinking of another’s needs creates empathy  (Child Quotes) The more the father is involved, the more easily the child makes open, receptive, and trusting contact with new people in its life  (Child Quotes) I am like a child ready for the apocalypse, I am the apocalypse itself, that is to say, the ultimate and first event of the end, the unveiling and the verdict  (Child Quotes) Mozart didn’t need a scheme for his music. He played and sang with the heavenly lightness of a child  (Child Quotes) If a work of art is to be truly immortal, it must pass quite beyond the limits of the human world, without any sign of common sense and logic. In this way the work will draw nearer to dream and to the mind of a child  (Child Quotes)
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