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Child Quotes

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There is such a rebound from parental influence that it generally seems that the child makes use of the directions given by the parent only to avoid the prescribed path  (Child Quotes) We don’t get enough pampering. If we were once the only child of an adoring mother, we developed a taste for it; if not, we developed a thirst for it  (Child Quotes) All the old houses that I knew when I was a child were full of books, bought generation after generation by members of the family. Nobody told you to read this or not to read that  (Child Quotes) I think the main thing is trying to be fair, sometimes there has to be a little bit of discipline, maybe even punishment involved in trying to make your child understand, learn from bad experiences and make sure they don’t happen again  (Child Quotes) I spent so much time as a child thinking what if I was a robot, what if my mind were somewhere else? As a kid you’re in the middle of all that  (Child Quotes) Somebody has to give a wakeup call to our coaching world to ask them real questions and show them that if you have kids, then you know there is no way you can talk to somebody else like that, because that’s somebody’s child  (Child Quotes) We’re in a tough place in this world. There are a lot of kids giving up very early. Scripture says it takes a village to raise one child, and that’s what these coaches are going to have to go back and understand  (Child Quotes) There is no innocent sleep so innocent as sleep shared between a woman and a child, the little breath hurrying beside the longer, as a child’s foot runs  (Child Quotes) There is a bond, it appears, between mother and child which endures as long as they do. It is independent of love; reason cannot weaken it; hate cannot destroy it  (Child Quotes) A child motivated by competitive ideals will grow into a man without conscience, shame, or true dignity  (Child Quotes) In the career of a prodigy there invariably comes a time when it is compelled to relinquish being very clever for a child, and has to enter the business of life in competition with adults  (Child Quotes) It is you men who make war!... We, who have children, would never make it! Why should a woman be broken up in pain, to give her child life, only to see him carried away from her, to make food for guns?  (Child Quotes) Anybody who thinks there is any vague chance of adult exchange with a child is up the spout; and would be much less disappointed if they recognized the chasm unbridgeably dividing them  (Child Quotes) There is no relation more intimately personal than that of parents to the child they have brought into the world; and there is therefore no relationship in which the community should be slower to interfere  (Child Quotes) No human being, man, woman, or child, may safely be entrusted to the power of another; for no human being may safely be trusted with absolute power  (Child Quotes) One can’t run in a park without a dog or make angels in the snow without a child and there are things one can’t do without a lover, so the loss of the lover is like an amputation and the patient goes into shock  (Child Quotes) All the earth, though it were full of kind hearts, is but a desolation and desert place to a mother when her only child is absent  (Child Quotes) It is the fear of being as dependent as a young child, while not being loved as a child is loved, but merely being kept alive against one’s will  (Child Quotes) Age means nothing. If anything I feel that I’m still a child: eternity and childhood are my ages  (Child Quotes) I sometimes think it’s a mistake to have been happy when one was a child. One should always want to go on, not back  (Child Quotes) I was always sad as a child, for as long as I can think back. I hated crowds of people, and used to sit in a corner by myself, just thinking  (Child Quotes) Every articulate family... generates its own stories, explanations and myths to illuminate the differences in temperament and talent among its children, the lines of allegiance and influence between parent and child  (Child Quotes) A child’s own story is a dream, but a good story is a dream that is true for more than one child  (Child Quotes) I always enjoyed sport. I was a bit of a wild child, to be honest, and just loved running around  (Child Quotes) Defining child care primarily as women’s sphere reinforces the devaluing of women and prevents their equal access to power  (Child Quotes) Children can be happy when their parents are miserable. But a parent is never happier than her unhappiest child  (Child Quotes) A child without an acquaintance of some kind with a classic of literature... suffers from that impoverishment for the rest of his life. No later intimacy is like that of the first  (Child Quotes) Bigotry is ever the child of ignorance, and the cultivation of the understanding is the only radical cure for it  (Child Quotes) A flower can’t choose the place where it blooms, and a child can’t choose the parents she’s born to  (Child Quotes) There are so many kids in this world, and in this country, that need homes. And so we’re perfectly content to look into adoption one day, if for some reason we aren’t able to have a biological child  (Child Quotes)
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