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Child Quotes

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If you can’t see the gift in having a child with autism, you’re focusing too much on the autism and not enough on the child  (Child Quotes) Not alone is the child born through the mother, but the mother also is born through the child  (Child Quotes) I have a job to do, I have a wife and child to take care of. So I don’t pay attention to things that I don’t know anything about. I’ve got my own situation to deal with  (Child Quotes) I always say to people that working full time and being a mom is probably the hardest job, because as a mom you think about your child 24/7  (Child Quotes) Once you’re a mom, all of your personal desires come secondary as the survival of the child becomes your life’s priority, which leads you to worry each day and every night the little one turn out right  (Child Quotes) Students are very engaged by the issues, and it’s not surprising because food choices are one of the few powers a child has  (Child Quotes) As a child growing up, you never thought about being in a videogame, then to have a game of your own and be lucky enough to set the bar with it in the gaming world, it’s a dream come true  (Child Quotes) The wife ought to have the first child and the husband the second, then there wouldn’t ever be any more  (Child Quotes) Part of the trouble is that I’ve never properly understood that some disasters accumulate, that they don’t all land like a child out of an apple tree  (Child Quotes) A preacher should have the mind of a scholar, the heart of a child, and the hide of a rhinoceros. His problem is how to toughen his hide without hardening his heart  (Child Quotes) Not many people know this about me, but I’m a natural blonde. My hair went from light blonde naturally to a darker kind of blonde. My mother dyed my hair dark when I was a child, as I loved the look then. So I’m basically a natural blonde  (Child Quotes) The main thing I got from growing up in a suburb is the boredom you have as a child  (Child Quotes) It’s quite a job, so to speak, when you can really be with your child for 21 out of 24 hours  (Child Quotes) Ive always wanted to be a mom. I had a great relationship with mine. I’m ready to pass on to my child all the great love that my mom had for me  (Child Quotes) Because I was a shy and awkward child, I used humour to deflect attention. It was a controlling mechanism. Because I could use it to control my image  (Child Quotes) I will absolutely say that whatever job I was asked to do, whatever schedule I was asked to work, it is never going to be as hard as looking after a child  (Child Quotes) I didn’t want to be a former child actor for the rest of my life, although in some ways I suppose I am. I am going to be that  (Child Quotes) I had to force myself not to be overly protective because I had lost one child  (Child Quotes) As a child, I loved story books and wanted to be in them so desperately and live the stories  (Child Quotes) I was concerned about doing the right thing when I was a kid. I suppose as a child, you’re a massive egomaniac, and you think that everything you do is going to affect the world  (Child Quotes) You know, I think I was always intrigued by theater since I was a small child  (Child Quotes) People say it takes a village to raise a child. People ask me how my daughter is doing. She’s only doing good if your daughter’s doing good. We’re all one family  (Child Quotes) I grew up in an acting family. I was heavily discouraged from doing it myself when I was young, which is the only responsible route to take with any child, because its not necessarily the easiest of lives  (Child Quotes) I was just a very torn child, very wounded in so many areas, with no family support. I happened to the be the fifth child of my family. So everybody was already grown and had left home already  (Child Quotes) Make a child a painting and he’ll be happy for a day. Teach a child to paint and he’ll be miserable for a lifetime  (Child Quotes) The welfare of a child is not to be measured by money only, nor by physical comfort only  (Child Quotes) The act of choosing whether or not to have a child is often an act of love, and always an act of survival  (Child Quotes) The truly beneficent mind looks upon every child of sorrow as their relation, and entitled to their assistance  (Child Quotes) I am to gratify his pleasure and nurse his child, I am a piece of household furniture, I am a woman  (Child Quotes) In the context of loss, each child is an only to her or his parents. Human relationships do not fill in for, do not substitute for, do not replace each other  (Child Quotes)
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