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Child Quotes

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Every pampered child becomes a hated child... There is no greater evil than the pampering of children  (Child Quotes) The most important thing in convoluted families, I learnt as I wrote, is that the child feels loved. I knew from a young age that I was a problem which required constant solving; but I never felt unloved. I was lucky  (Child Quotes) In the spiritual life one becomes just like a little child, without resentment, without attachment, full of life and joy  (Child Quotes) There never was a false God, nor was there ever really a false religion, unless you call a child a false man  (Child Quotes) The child should have the advantage of ignorance as well as of knowledge, and is fortunate if he gets his share of neglect and exposure  (Child Quotes) The first questions are always to be asked, and the wisest doctor is gravelled by the inquisitiveness of a child  (Child Quotes) Unresolved dissonances between the characters and dispositions of the parents continue to reverberate in the nature of the child and make up the history of its inner sufferings  (Child Quotes) I think every parent takes more pleasure in seeing their child succeed than seeing themselves succeed  (Child Quotes) When and where will another come to take your holy place?Old man mumbling in his dotage, or crying child, unborn?  (Child Quotes) The slave child had no thought for the morrow; but there came that blight, which too surely waits on every human being born to be a chattel  (Child Quotes) Bring the child to the consciousness of his own dignity, and he will be free. We see no limit to what should be offered to the child, for his will be an immense field of chosen activity  (Child Quotes) That’s the worst of growing up, and I’m beginning to realize it. The things you wanted so much when you were a child don’t seem half so wonderful to you when you get them  (Child Quotes) It is sentimentalism to assume that the teaching of life can always be fitted to the child’s interests, just as it is empty formalism to force the child to parrot the formulas of adult society. Interests can be created and stimulated  (Child Quotes) We found... that being a good parent to one’s own child was never and in no way enough; until we were all responsible for all the children of the world, no child would ever be safe, no society could survive  (Child Quotes) I want to feel myself part of things, of the great drift and swirl: not cut off, missing things, like being sent to bed early as a child, the blinds being drawn while the sun and cheerful voices came through the chink from the garden  (Child Quotes) The history of the genesis or the old mythology repeats itself in the experience of every child. He too is a demon or God thrown into a particular chaos, where he strives ever to lead things from disorder into order  (Child Quotes) The first right of every child is to be wanted, to be desired, to be planned for with an intensity of love that gives it its title to being  (Child Quotes) Preoccupied with her self, the adolescent sees enormous changes, whereas the parent sees the child she knew all along. For the parent, new developments are superficial and evanescent. For the adolescent, they are thrilling and profound  (Child Quotes) Now I am nothing but a veil; all my body is a veil beneath which a child sleeps  (Child Quotes) And now having a child has been taken out of the sphere of biological determinism and placed instead in the domain of intentional action. Another option to consider and decide upon. And... not to choose is to choose  (Child Quotes) I would rather be the child of a mother who has all the inner conflicts of the human being than be mothered by someone for whom all is easy and smooth, who knows all the answers, and is a stranger to doubt  (Child Quotes) The decision to have a child is both a private and a public decision, for children are our collective future  (Child Quotes) I moved around a lot when I was a child; two of the houses I grew up in have totally disappeared. One was burnt in a riot, and the other was pulled down  (Child Quotes) A mother would never by choice sleep in a wet bed but she would gladly do so in order to spare the dry bed for her child  (Child Quotes) When the heart acknowledges how much pain there is in the mind, it turns like a mother toward a frightened child  (Child Quotes) My mother is so full of joy and life. I am her child. And that is better than being the child of anyone else in the world  (Child Quotes) A child knows when they are on the receiving end of a didactic exercise, or when they are sitting in the shadow of something else  (Child Quotes) The longer we live the more we must endure the elementary existence of men and women; and every brave heart must treat society asa child, and never allow it to dictate  (Child Quotes) The child realizes to every man his own earliest remembrance, and so supplies a defect in our education, or enables us to live over the unconscious history with a sympathy so tender as to be almost personal experience  (Child Quotes) Why should we assume the faults of our friend, or wife, or father, or child, because they sit around our hearth, or are said to have the same blood?  (Child Quotes)
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