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Children Quotes

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Having children really changes your priorities  (Children Quotes) I always knew I wanted to have children  (Children Quotes) Poets are people who can still see the world through the eyes of children  (Children Quotes) Nobody wants to go through divorce, especially when there’s young children involved  (Children Quotes) God bless all the little children in the world  (Children Quotes) Wrinkles are hereditary. Parents get them from their children  (Children Quotes) After all, we are not children. It’s time we planned our life  (Children Quotes) You know, my children go to a local, local catholic school just down the road  (Children Quotes) My mother had lots and lots of children who didn’t survive  (Children Quotes) I do very well three things: my job, stupidities and children  (Children Quotes) I don’t like going away from my children  (Children Quotes) My father felt that children should make their own way  (Children Quotes) Really, children will support anything that is empowering to them  (Children Quotes) All revolutions devour their own children  (Children Quotes) I’m married, I have three children, I never hit my wife  (Children Quotes) I am concerned about the growing problem of sexual abuse and exploitation of our children  (Children Quotes) I get along very well with animals and children. I dig them, I get them  (Children Quotes) Our revenge will be the laughter of our children  (Children Quotes) Children reinvent your world for you  (Children Quotes) Children have a right to some stability and constancy from the adults in their lives  (Children Quotes) Our nation’s children are our greatest asset and our most precious treasure  (Children Quotes) We should not use crippled children to sell hamburgers. Ever  (Children Quotes) I think children have talent and insight, but it gets beaten out of them  (Children Quotes) It’s great meeting children because you never know what they will say  (Children Quotes) I have four children and I have seven grandkids  (Children Quotes) If I have no children what would be the point of living  (Children Quotes) Children usually do not blame themselves for getting lost  (Children Quotes) I am glad that I do not have any children  (Children Quotes) I owe it to my children to secure their future  (Children Quotes) I want more children but for the next three years I want to act  (Children Quotes)
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