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Children Quotes

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Progressive societies outgrow institutions as children outgrow clothes  (Children Quotes) I have three sons, and I think were both fierce protectors of our children  (Children Quotes) I have been looking after the children. My wife has taken time off  (Children Quotes) The race of children possesses magically sagacious powers  (Children Quotes) No race of barbarians ever existed yet offered up children for money  (Children Quotes) Some children may need a behavioral approach, whereas other children may need a sensory approach  (Children Quotes) I would want to teach my children someday that they should strive to be successful  (Children Quotes) I cannot be silent when facing these evils against women and children  (Children Quotes) I’ve got one young family by the first wife, with four children  (Children Quotes) Children see things very well sometimes and idealists even better  (Children Quotes) Children always turn to the light  (Children Quotes) There are many dying children out there whose last wish is to meet me  (Children Quotes) The biggest lesson we have to give our children is truth  (Children Quotes) To find someone who loves your children like you do is really rare  (Children Quotes) You can never spend enough time with children  (Children Quotes) Children should enjoy the few years they have just being a kid  (Children Quotes) The relation between parents and children is essentially based on teaching  (Children Quotes) A mother never realizes that her children are no longer children  (Children Quotes) Good words will not give me back my children  (Children Quotes) Play is the work of children. It’s very serious stuff  (Children Quotes) After having children, life becomes about living beyond yourself; about being bigger and better  (Children Quotes) My children deserve to have the best, and now they will  (Children Quotes) Parents learn a lot from their children about coping with life  (Children Quotes) Different parents have different standards for their children  (Children Quotes) Cruelty to children is the thing I can least bear in the world  (Children Quotes) My music is best understood by children and animals  (Children Quotes) While raising my children, I would like to take on other challenges  (Children Quotes) Parents are indeed capable of routinely torturing their children without anyone interceding  (Children Quotes) Will robots inherit the earth? Yes, but they will be our children  (Children Quotes) Nothing is crueller than children who come from good homes  (Children Quotes)
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