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Children Quotes

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Children are given us to discourage our better emotions  (Children Quotes) We speak of educating our children. Do we know that our children also educate us?  (Children Quotes) Having children is what a woman is born for, really  (Children Quotes) You can learn so much from children, and you can give them so much  (Children Quotes) Having my animals or my children with me exorcises that feeling of not being wanted  (Children Quotes) When I’m not working, my time is really about my children  (Children Quotes) Children are often the silent victims of drug abuse  (Children Quotes) My children are my whole life  (Children Quotes) Insanity is hereditary; you get it from your children  (Children Quotes) You can’t live your life through your children  (Children Quotes) I make no claim to be an authority on writing or illustrating for children  (Children Quotes) There has always been a tendency to classify children almost as a distinct species  (Children Quotes) Children have a way of forcing you back into the present moment  (Children Quotes) Your children don’t have to fear you to respect you  (Children Quotes) I just want my children to be happy. I want my children to be healthy  (Children Quotes) Children don’t understand about people loving each other and then suddenly not  (Children Quotes) Acting’s not my whole life. My children definitely come first  (Children Quotes) Parents should be the most important examples for their children  (Children Quotes) The word tomorrow was invented for indecisive people and for children  (Children Quotes) All children have creative power  (Children Quotes) My father loved people, children and pets  (Children Quotes) I’m very pleased how my children have turned out  (Children Quotes) Our children, two daughters and a son, were born in 1874, 1876, and 1879  (Children Quotes) Money does not motivate me as long as I can provide for my children  (Children Quotes) The laws of this world are for children  (Children Quotes) The only way I could relax was when I was with my children  (Children Quotes) For all their strength, men were sometimes like little children  (Children Quotes) If you want to see what children can do, you must stop giving them things  (Children Quotes) If government could create jobs and raise children, socialism would have worked  (Children Quotes) There is some comfort in dying surrounded by one’s children  (Children Quotes)
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