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Children Quotes

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Before they read words, children are reading pictures  (Children Quotes) All children have gifts, some open them at different times  (Children Quotes) As children we believe that anything is possible, the trick is to never forget it  (Children Quotes) My father was one of ten children  (Children Quotes) I was born to teach. I have always had this gift with children  (Children Quotes) My mandate... is to promote the protection, rights and welfare of children  (Children Quotes) I don’t have slim children. I have hearty ones  (Children Quotes) It’s the children the world almost breaks who grow up to save it  (Children Quotes) I like children they are tasty  (Children Quotes) The problem with children is that you have to put up with their parents  (Children Quotes) Do you hear the children singing?  (Children Quotes) The righteous man walks in his integrity; His children are blessed after him  (Children Quotes) People with children and people with their own business always pick up a ringing phone  (Children Quotes) Children who remember their past lives offer the most compelling evidence yet for reincarnation  (Children Quotes) Children know something that most people have forgotten  (Children Quotes) For children is there any happiness which is not also noise?  (Children Quotes) I have a responsibility to my children to be fit and healthy  (Children Quotes) Peace is one of the greatest gifts we can leave our children  (Children Quotes) You never realize the value of coaching until your children play for a coach  (Children Quotes) Mothers sometimes are overly possessive, but not all children allow themselves to be possessed  (Children Quotes) The victimization of children is nowhere forbidden; what is forbidden is to write about it  (Children Quotes) Most naughtiness arises because the children are bored and lack a relationship with the teacher  (Children Quotes) Testing children until they cry is a bad idea. It is an educational malpractice  (Children Quotes) Government schools will teach children that government is wonderful  (Children Quotes) Now is the time to learn how to argue constructively before you have children  (Children Quotes) Coitus is random, children are definite  (Children Quotes) I think I asphyxiated my children  (Children Quotes) How do we love all the children of all species for all time?  (Children Quotes) The most valuable asset a nation has is the creativity of its children  (Children Quotes) The children almost broken by the world become the adults most likely to change it  (Children Quotes)
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