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Children Quotes

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Cherishing children is the mark of a civilized society  (Children Quotes) Actors are frightened little children  (Children Quotes) Children share with geniuses an open, inquiring, uninhibited quality of mind  (Children Quotes) Cleaning up with children around is like shoveling during a blizzard  (Children Quotes) When you have children, that’s your main focus  (Children Quotes) Save now, so you are not dependent on your children when you are old  (Children Quotes) Serve your parents if you expect your children to serve you when you are old  (Children Quotes) Fear is a state of nervousness only fit for children  (Children Quotes) I play with children so that I can learn from them  (Children Quotes) A modern teacher educates children to value their emotions  (Children Quotes) Your children get only one childhood  (Children Quotes) Parents are the weak link in the chain when it comes to protecting their children  (Children Quotes) It’s not only children who grow. Parents do too  (Children Quotes) Aristocrats have heirs, the poor have children, and the rest keep dogs  (Children Quotes) Librarians are like crack dealers when it comes to hooking small children  (Children Quotes) Late children are early orphans  (Children Quotes) Once children learn how to learn, nothing is going to narrow their mind  (Children Quotes) Children will learn to do what they want to learn to do  (Children Quotes) Parents give up their rights when they drop the children off at public school  (Children Quotes) Wisdom is vindicated by all her children  (Children Quotes) Dear children, don’t eat anything healthy at home, just keep eating those hamburgers  (Children Quotes) I found real fulfillment through my children and through adopting special needs kids  (Children Quotes) After all, children are children no matter their background  (Children Quotes) Children require long, uniterrupted periods of play and exploration  (Children Quotes) What we desire our children to become, we must endeavor to be before them  (Children Quotes) Setting a good example for your children does nothing but increase their embarrassment  (Children Quotes) Never try to fool children, they expect nothing, and therefore see everything  (Children Quotes) When the women get the vote, we’ll spend more money on the children  (Children Quotes) I love children. I’ve always loved children  (Children Quotes) Justice for all children is the high ideal in a democracy  (Children Quotes)
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