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Children Quotes

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Children ought not to be victims of the choices adults make for them  (Children Quotes) From infancy onward, children are the most fantastic learners in the world  (Children Quotes) Children... smile as many as 400 times per day  (Children Quotes) Poems have their own fates, like children. You have only to give birth to them  (Children Quotes) I wanted to convey the message to children that this life is worth living  (Children Quotes) We are doing earlier and earlier to children what we shouldn’t do later  (Children Quotes) Curriculum should help children make deeper and fuller understanding of their own experience  (Children Quotes) I was a wonderful parent before I had children  (Children Quotes) Children do better when they feel better  (Children Quotes) When people have children, they have to grow up!  (Children Quotes) If a community values its children, it must cherish its mothers  (Children Quotes) Divorce can leave children feeling like defectors  (Children Quotes) Children live what they learn  (Children Quotes) I have very little patience with children  (Children Quotes) Children key off their parents’ reaction more than the argument or physical discipline itself  (Children Quotes) If all our children learn to do is read, they will not be literate  (Children Quotes) Children learn eagerly and well when they have need of the knowledge  (Children Quotes) Raise children who do the right things for the right reasons  (Children Quotes) Children often have a much stronger concept of morality than adults  (Children Quotes) British scientists have demonstrated that cigarettes can harm your children. Fair enough. Use an ashtray!  (Children Quotes) Vaccines are a miracle cure. Eight out of 10 children are getting vaccines  (Children Quotes) We are all children searching for love  (Children Quotes) Conduct yourself towards your parents as you would have your children conduct themselves towards you  (Children Quotes) We do not cease to be children because we are disobedient children  (Children Quotes) Children grow out of childhood, but parents never grow out of parenthood  (Children Quotes) I believe the children are our future  (Children Quotes) Whoever controls the education of our children controls the future  (Children Quotes) If the legends fall silent, who will teach the children of our ways?  (Children Quotes) The joy of motherhood: what a mother experiences when all her children are in bed  (Children Quotes) We get strength and encouragement from watching children  (Children Quotes)
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