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Children Quotes

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If we give the bureaucrats our children, we may as well give them everything else  (Children Quotes) Children are so precious  (Children Quotes) Our children are our most important assets  (Children Quotes) Children are not things to be molded, but people to be unfolded  (Children Quotes) We don’t teach our children how to dream  (Children Quotes) Sometimes when you have children they’re the opposites of you  (Children Quotes) Actually, I didn’t start sweating until I had children  (Children Quotes) I think the greatest sin in the world is bringing children into the world  (Children Quotes) Children of heroes have glory for breakfast  (Children Quotes) Parents own the children, and it is an issue of freedom and public health  (Children Quotes) The state doesn’t own your children. Parents own the children  (Children Quotes) Above all, let us pray for our children  (Children Quotes) We first become salesmen as children in the confession booths of our parents  (Children Quotes) Writing for children is an art in itself, and a most interesting one  (Children Quotes) We must choose between the violence of adults and the smiles of children  (Children Quotes) Equal treatment for children in unequal situations is not justice  (Children Quotes) The best thing to spend on your children is your time  (Children Quotes) Manners will become important to children only if they are important to their parents  (Children Quotes) The dutifulness of children is the foundation of all virtues  (Children Quotes) Adults are just children who earn money  (Children Quotes) Repentance is for little children  (Children Quotes) School disruption comes from those children who have given up hope  (Children Quotes) A loving family provides the foundation children need to succeed  (Children Quotes) The best legacy we leave is not for our children but in our children  (Children Quotes) Our children are for life our friends are here for the moment  (Children Quotes) My business is making people, especially children, happy  (Children Quotes) Can we today measure devotion to husband and children by our indifference to everything else?  (Children Quotes) Women have been dependent upon men for their survival, for the survival of their children  (Children Quotes) Needy and boring parents tend to have needy and bored children  (Children Quotes) I saw guns and sharp swords in the hands of young children  (Children Quotes)
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