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Children Quotes

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If you want to find somebody and you want to be married and you want to have children, don’t make it a rock star  (Children Quotes) He would have us like children who believe what their father tells them  (Children Quotes) In general, children, like men, and men, like children, prefer entertainment to education  (Children Quotes) Children, we must cultivate reverence towards all great masters, monks and gurus  (Children Quotes) Parents need to nourish spiritual values in their children from a very young age  (Children Quotes) Discipline is not always internalized and actually can breed resentment among children  (Children Quotes) For me, at least, all of my career goals, all of my focus, everything just shifted and the importance was my children, and that’s where all the joy came from as well  (Children Quotes) Witchcraft scum exploiting the dumb turning children into punks and slaves  (Children Quotes) Lord, please watch over all these lost children born to chase the hurricane  (Children Quotes) A man divorcing would never be accused of choosing career over children  (Children Quotes) My mother wanted me to be friends only with children she considered socially suitable  (Children Quotes) Disney has a great tradition of enchanting children and giving them something to behold  (Children Quotes) I love children, especially when they cry, because then someone takes them away  (Children Quotes) I’m a virgin and I brought up all my children to be the same  (Children Quotes) Two great things you can give your children: one is roots, the other is wings  (Children Quotes) Children who are treated as if they are uneducable almost invariably become uneducable  (Children Quotes) We want better reasons for having children than not knowing how to prevent them  (Children Quotes) Cost recovery is the polite way of saying, make families pay to educate their children  (Children Quotes) My mother was in vaudeville, but after she had her children, she quit working  (Children Quotes) We are dealing with madness. … all children are mad, from an adult viewpoint  (Children Quotes) There are few things more satisfying than seeing your children have teenagers of their own  (Children Quotes) Is adult entertainment killing our children? Or is killing our children entertaining adults?  (Children Quotes) Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not  (Children Quotes) There are only two types of honest people in this world, small children and drunk people  (Children Quotes) Small children are convinced that ponies deserve to see the inside of the house  (Children Quotes) Give me the children until they are seven and anyone may have them afterwards  (Children Quotes) Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them makes an impression  (Children Quotes) The best smell is bread, the best savour salt, the best love that of children  (Children Quotes) I only included things that everybody likes, like violence, flowers, children, women, friendship and death  (Children Quotes) Here all mankind is equal: rich and poor alike, they love their children  (Children Quotes)
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