China Quotes

Text Quotes
China will soon emit more greenhouse gases than America, but its regime knows if it caps aspirations there will be a revolution. (China Quotes)
Countries that managed to rebuild commanding state structures after popular nationalist revolutions - such as China, Vietnam, and Iran - look stable and cohesive when compared with a traditional monarchy such as Thailand or wholly artificial nation-states like Iraq and Syria. (China Quotes)
The aim of the Revolution is, so far as the interests of China herself are concerned, the restoration of her original frontiers and, in regard to the rest of the world, a gradual advance of all nations from the stage of equality to that of an ideal unity. (China Quotes)
Australia will always be closer to the U.S. than she is to China because our values and political traditions are much closer. (China Quotes)
The tradition and style of the ‘New York Times’ make it very difficult to have objective coverage of China. If we could purchase it, its tone might turn around. (China Quotes)
There is a long tradition in China for writers and journalists to take pen names, partly as protection from retaliation by authorities. If Facebook requires the use of real names, that could potentially put Chinese citizens in danger. (China Quotes)
In 2000, Pope John Paul II canonized 120 saints of China, 87 of whom were ethnically Chinese. My home church was incredibly excited because this was the first time the Roman Catholic Church acknowledged Chinese citizens in this way. (China Quotes)
The human rights record within China seems to rise and fall over time, but it’s very clear that in the run up to the 2008 Beijing Olympics and since then, there’s been a greater intolerance of dissent and the human rights record of China has been going in the wrong direction. (China Quotes)
Why did the Clinton Administration continue to liberalize export controls on sensitive technologies even after it learned that China had stolen designs? (China Quotes)
C’m’on lefties! Admit that Trump has been very tough on China. He has been especially tough on Chinese kids who slave away in sweatboxes, making his clothing lines. (China Quotes)
We hope relevant countries will work together in the same direction to build the South China Sea into a sea of peace, friendship and co-operation. (China Quotes)
Much as Cold War nuclear strategists could argue about winning a nuclear war by having more survivors, advocates of a Global Warming War might see the United States, Western Europe, or Russia as better able to ride out climate disruption and manipulation than, say, China or the countries of the Middle East. (China Quotes)
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States and China are more likely to view each other as competitors if not adversaries. But the die has not been cast. The best possible outcome is a new understanding that when they cannot cooperate, they will coexist and allow all countries in the Pacific to grow and thrive. (China Quotes)
I’d have to say that Nixon feels like the public figure who most dominated my life - from the time I went to fourth grade wearing a Nixon-Lodge button in the fall of 1960, through my college years, which overlapped with Kent State, Cambodia, the China trip and all the rest. (China Quotes)
I was born in Evanston, Illinois. I spent my elementary and part of my junior high school years in a D.C. suburb. And then I spent my high school years in Minnesota. And then I spent my college years in Colorado. And then I spent some time living in China. And then I spent three years in Vermont before moving down to Nashville. (China Quotes)
Of course, socialism is just evil now. It’s completely discredited supposedly by the collapse of the Soviet Union, but I can’t help noticing that my grandchildren are heavily in hock to Communist China now which is evidently a whole lot better at business than we are. (China Quotes)
Ronald Reagan, when he was campaigning for President, said that he would break relations with Communist China and re-establish diplomatic relations with Taiwan. But when he got into office, he pursued a very different policy of engagement with China and of increasing trade and business ties with China. (China Quotes)
I don’t consider China a communist state, no. I know that sounds paradoxical, but it’s my view. (China Quotes)
I believe that the Tibetans should have the right to control their own destinies and decide for themselves whether they want to be part of China or not. But this view isn’t shared by most Chinese, or even the leaders of most Western democracies. As long as the Communist Party is in power, there is little hope for Tibet. (China Quotes)
China restricts the society’s freedom of speech. The Communist Party imposes these limits because it lacks confidence towards the future and has no ideals. Nowadays, China is experiencing the detrimental effects of such decisions. Its citizens have no creativity. (China Quotes)
This is the company we keep when it comes to the death penalty: China, the number one executing country; Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, those are the top 4, and number 5 is the US. And those are not countries that are known as champions for human rights, you know. (China Quotes)
First of all, it would be great for world football to have a competitive Chinese team as China traditionally has deep relation to sports in general. (China Quotes)
If you look through the history of wearables, I was named the father of wearable computing, or the world’s first cyborg. But the definition of wearable computing can be kind of fuzzy itself. Thousands of years ago, in China, people would wear an abacus around their neck - that, in one sense, was a wearable computer. (China Quotes)
The IT people who have made such an effort to know and understand computer technology. They are frustrated that you cannot use Facebook, Twitter and YouTube in China. They are the first to recognize that the situation is terrible. (China Quotes)
When I first started playing the banjo and miraculously fell into a record deal in Nashville, TN, there was a period when I didn’t go to China. It hurt. Like a pain in my gut... that pain you feel when you know it’s time to connect with your parents or your God or your child or your past or your future... and you don’t do it. (China Quotes)
China and the U.S. are two societies with very different attitudes towards opinion and criticism. In China, I am constantly under surveillance. Even my slightest, most innocuous move can - and often is - censored by Chinese authorities. (China Quotes)
In China, we don’t have any contemporary art museums. Until a few years ago, we didn’t even have a gallery. (China Quotes)
China is not a country, it’s a continent. India is not a country, it’s a continent. (China Quotes)
India may be overtaking China as the world’s most polluted country. Even now, which country is worse depends on the day. (China Quotes)
Why not look at Indonesia? It will be the third biggest country in the world in population in 25 years’ time - after India and China. (China Quotes)