China Quotes

Text Quotes
There is a great deal of concern in the Chinese military that Taiwan’s reunification with China is drifting further and further away. (China Quotes)
China is a political beast, with the Party at its heart, and the importance of political and regulatory due diligence cannot be overstated. (China Quotes)
In China, the problem is that with the system of censorship that’s now in place, the user doesn’t know to what extent, why, and under what authority there’s been censorship. There’s no way of appealing. There’s no due process. (China Quotes)
The early idealists and companies and governments have all assumed that the Internet will bring freedom. Yet China proves that this is not the case. (China Quotes)
With offices in 64 cities around the world, it is sometimes a challenge to ensure that I’ve got my finger on the pulse with every one, everywhere. Staying in touch means early rising for calls with China and Japan, and late calls with the U.S. (China Quotes)
My father was second-generation Chinese-American, born in 1923 in California. My mother emigrated to the States from China when she was in her early twenties, in part to escape the political turmoil in China. (China Quotes)
If China was like the moon, then arriving in Saudi Arabia was Mars. At least you can see the moon from Earth. (China Quotes)
Don’t forget I started looking at China a long time before any of those races happened. I always thought go east, not west... (China Quotes)
When I hear people flatteringly say, ‘You’re an expert on East Asia...’ I’m certainly an observer of East Asia, and central Asia, and ASEAN, and to a lesser extent South Asia and the Gulf, but there’s always something behind the wall in China. (China Quotes)
The European Tour plays all over the world: from the U.K. to China, from Korea to South Africa, and from the Middle East to southeast Asia. (China Quotes)
China’s productive system draws upon the other East Asian countries to a great extent. The volume of trade is much larger than the net amount being exported from China. China needs substantial reserves to finance all that. (China Quotes)
Italy in the 1920s, Germany in the 30s, East Germany in the 50s, Czechoslovakia in the 60s, the Latin American dictatorships in the 70s, China in the 80s and 90s - all dictatorships and would-be dictators target newspapers and journalists. (China Quotes)
I was watching an HBO special on eating habits and different cultures, and they showed in China how people eat cats ... I happened to be sitting on the couch with my cat, and once I saw that, it just put everything in perspective. (China Quotes)
China needs a powerful Europe, but Europe can only be strong if each and every one of its members attains rapid economic development. (China Quotes)
China is the big economic engine in Asia, so what happens is, as China growth expands, these countries in the periphery of China, whether it be Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, they end up growing with China because they become big exporters. (China Quotes)
The United States can no longer rely upon foreign nations such as China to bail us out of our economic irresponsibility. We must live within our means and implement creative, free-market solutions to put Americans back in jobs and to create economic opportunities. (China Quotes)
China is clearly going to be the number one economic power and it is already full of potential.. with lots of population and the buying power increasing by the day. . (China Quotes)
Every global concern - economic, environmental or security-related - can be addressed more effectively when the U.S. and China work together. (China Quotes)
Communism may be over as an economic system, but as a model of state domination, it is very much alive in the People’s Republic of China and in Putin’s police state. (China Quotes)
Already, China has undermined U.S. foreign policy in efforts to gain access to oil resources in Iran and Sudan. We simply cannot separate the political and economic values of oil. (China Quotes)
My observation is China is thinking more as a global player than regionally, in both politics and economics. (China Quotes)
I don’t expect the U.S. and China to get into a trade war simply because I think there are good people on both sides who realize that that’s not in either economy’s interest. (China Quotes)
The combined entity Youku Tudou Inc. represents a dominant leader in online video sector in China with the largest user base, most comprehensive content library, most advanced bandwidth infrastructure, and most effective monetization capability. (China Quotes)
Was it a good idea to spend taxpayer dollars on electric cars in Finland, or on windmills in China? Was it a good idea to borrow all this money from countries like China and spend it on all these various different interest groups? (China Quotes)
The Internet has destroyed irony in the world, or at least wounded it considerably. What are we to do about an invention whose end result is that starving people in China are looking up things on (China Quotes)
I only started to understand the concept of environmental protection 14 years ago. I was an ambassador for a charity event, and the staff told me that the consumption of disposable chopsticks in China, per year, could result in the devastation of unimaginable acres of forest. (China Quotes)
China is a country, still, of great contrast. While hundreds of millions of people are part of the middle class and yearn for things made in America - American brands, movies, music - there are other hundreds of millions of people throughout China who are living on the equivalent of one U.S. dollar a day. (China Quotes)
For the European Union, Russia is as important politically and economically as China is to the U.S (China Quotes)
It’s OK for China to invent cancer drugs that cure patients in the United States. We want them to catch up. But as the leader, we want to keep setting a very, very high standard. We don’t want them to catch up because we’re slowing down or, even worse, going into reverse. (China Quotes)
The interesting thing about the China story, getting back to the macro and micro, and as dire as I think the macro story is - due to bad credit and credit extension that makes Greece and Spain and the U.S. look like child’s play - when you get to the micro of individual companies, they look even worse. (China Quotes)