Chivalry Quotes

Text Quotes
Chivalry is dead (Chivalry Quotes)
Chivalry is the most delicate form of contempt (Chivalry Quotes)
For me chivalry isn’t dead; it’s an involuntary reflex (Chivalry Quotes)
Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry is never past, so long as there is a wrong left unredressed on Earth (Chivalry Quotes)
The age of chivalry is past. Bores have succeeded to dragons (Chivalry Quotes)
A woman must be truly refined to incite chivalry in the heart of a man (Chivalry Quotes)
The age of chivalry has gone; the age of humanity has come (Chivalry Quotes)
Chivalry should be consensual (Chivalry Quotes)
A feat of chivalry, fiery with consummate courage, and bright with flashing vigor (Chivalry Quotes)
Chivalry is not only dead, it’s decomposed (Chivalry Quotes)
Justice is better than chivalry if we cannot have both (Chivalry Quotes)
Chivalry is a poor substitute for justice, if one cannot have both. Chivalry is something like the icing on the cake, sweet but not nourishing (Chivalry Quotes)
I find British men very gentlemanly... Like opening doors. There is a certain chivalry about British men which I like, and I’m a sucker for an accent (Chivalry Quotes)
Collision is as necessary to produce virtue in men as it is to elicit fire in inanimate matter; and chivalry is the essence of virtue (Chivalry Quotes)
Chivalry is like a line of credit. You can get plenty of it when you do not need it (Chivalry Quotes)
If war has its chivalry and its pageantry, it has also its hideousness and its demoniac woe. Bullets respect not beauty. They tear out the eye, and shatter the jaw, and rend the cheek (Chivalry Quotes)
Women are safer in perilous situations and emergencies than men, and might be still more so if they trusted themselves more confidingly to the chivalry of manhood (Chivalry Quotes)
Gentlemen, be courteous to the old maids, no matter how poor and plain and prim, for the only chivalry worth having is that which is the readiest to to pay deference to the old, protect the feeble, and serve womankind, regardless of rank, age, or color (Chivalry Quotes)
We take so many of our freedoms for granted nowadays - I can travel where I like, I can have a baby when I like, I can do any job I want - but I do think chivalry has been lost a little bit (Chivalry Quotes)
The odious and disgusting aristocracy of wealth is built upon the ruins of all that is good in chivalry or republicanism; and luxury is the forerunner of a barbarism scarcely capable of cure (Chivalry Quotes)
The institution of chivalry forms one of the most remarkable features in the history of the Middle Ages (Chivalry Quotes)
In our fathers’ time nothing was read but books of feigned chivalry, wherein a man by reading should be led to none other end, but only to manslaughter and bawdry (Chivalry Quotes)
Cervantes smiled Spain’s chivalry away; A single laugh demolished the right arm Of his country (Chivalry Quotes)
The old interests of aristocracy - the romance of action, the exalted passions of chivalry and war - faded into the background, and their place was taken by the refined and intimate pursuits of peace and civilization. (Chivalry Quotes)
Although I have a lot of close female friends in my life, my number one is still my mom. Without her, I wouldn’t have the values that I have and see the world the way that I do today. She taught me how to appreciate and respect women. She taught me chivalry and how to love a woman and respect their feelings and emotions. (Chivalry Quotes)
Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always been fascinated by the Arthurian Legend, and, you know, the notion of nobility in battle and the - the notion of chivalry. (Chivalry Quotes)
That’s something I learned from both my stepdad and my grandfather - that there is a thing called chivalry, and it doesn’t have to die with the birth of the Internet. The way I see it, if you’re asking a girl out on a date, it’s only right to do it in a way that she can hear your voice. (Chivalry Quotes)
I find British men very gentlemanly... like opening doors. There is a certain chivalry about British men which I like, and I’m a sucker for an accent. (Chivalry Quotes)
With the advent of chivalry, the art of boxing waned. The evolution of feudal aristocracy, with other and widely different exercises, pastimes and weapons from those of the common people, made boxing unfashionable. (Chivalry Quotes)
I heard that chivalry was dead, but I think it’s just got a bad flue (Chivalry Quotes)