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Chlorine Quotes

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Let’s face it, the gene pool needs a little chlorine  (Chlorine Quotes) Chlorine: The breakfast of champions  (Chlorine Quotes) I was an impostor, the worthy associate of a brigand, andc., andc., and all this for an atom of chlorine put in the place of an atom of hydrogen, for the simple correction of a chemical formula!  (Chlorine Quotes) When I was a child, our summer days were spent swimming; chlorine in my hair was like perfume to me  (Chlorine Quotes) We’ve polluted the stratosphere with these chlorine and bromine compounds, and because it’s now colder, and because we have this change in the climate, we’re getting more ozone loss than we would have gotten in a normal year  (Chlorine Quotes) In organic chemistry there exist certain types which are conserved even when, in place of hydrogen, equal volumes of chlorine, of bromine, etc. are introduced  (Chlorine Quotes)