Chocolate Quotes

Text Quotes
The thing is, when I feel like I have to lose weight, the opposite happens. I remember stuffing loads of chocolate on the plane to the shoot, and I thought, ‘Why don’t you have the courage to show up in a body that’s natural, not overly worked out?’ (Chocolate Quotes)
I don’t really work out. I eat a lot of sweets. I have chocolate all over my house. (Chocolate Quotes)
I eat like a horse - my mother still brings me Cadbury’s chocolate from Britain; I do have a very healthy appetite - but I work out. (Chocolate Quotes)
Extreme exercise doesn’t save you from poor food choices. It can be difficult to exercise and erase away that chocolate cake or pizza pie. It doesn’t work that way. (Chocolate Quotes)
There always has been a mystique and a romance about aviation, but in terms of the principles involved of satisfying your customer there’s no difference between selling airlines seats and chocolate bars. (Chocolate Quotes)
New York Stat agreed to pay $12 million to settle a lawsuit filed three decades ago by inmates swept up in the bloody 1971 revolt at Attica prison. The settlement will be paid in the form of chocolate bars and packs of Newports that can be picked up in the commissary. (Chocolate Quotes)
I like sugar, be it candy, this season’s pumpkin chocolate chip bars, or wine. Sugar is bad for me. It just sits on my tummy, causing my middle child Esme to ask if we are having a fourth baby. Rude! (Chocolate Quotes)
The darker the chocolate is, the more antioxidants it contains. So when eaten in moderation - just a few bites from a well-made dark chocolate bar, for instance - there’s no need to feel bad about indulging once in a while. (Chocolate Quotes)
I describe my personal style as ‘mythic space horse with chocolate box tendencies.’ (Chocolate Quotes)
For most of our young lives, my family was baffled by elementary school bake sales, to which we were told to bring in goodies to sell. While other kids arrived bearing brownies, chocolate chip cookies, and apple pies, Chinese families didn’t bake. (Chocolate Quotes)
Resisting a beautiful chocolate cake or a wonderful foie gras is as difficult as (the idea of) saying no to Paul Newman. (Chocolate Quotes)
Like a jerk, I went to a nutritionist and I ate the most repulsive, awful things. I didn’t allow myself to eat chocolate cake and french fries and cheeseburgers. (Chocolate Quotes)
I live in the past when it comes to movies, but my own career is a matter of remembering the nuts and bolts and things like eating chocolate cake and drinking milk with Jack [Kirby] in his kitchen, but that’s all I remember. (Chocolate Quotes)
Most men, no matter how well or badly dressed, carry overstuffed, beat up wallets that should have been replaced years ago. Why is that? Every time I see a guy take out a wallet anywhere, it looks like a piece of old melted chocolate cake-with strings. (Chocolate Quotes)
The most important thing I want to get across is that maintaining weight loss is just hard. It takes a dedication to exercise and eating right most of the time. I’m not saying I don’t enjoy the days that I’m not eating chocolate cake. But I do particularly like those days when I am eating chocolate cake. (Chocolate Quotes)
It’s easy to fall into a funk and not want to exercise, or to really want that second piece of chocolate cake. I have to say, I fight against those feelings all year. But I try not to let myself sit in a rut like that. (Chocolate Quotes)
Why is every mom’s concern about sex? There are more important things in life, like school, careers, poetry, books, ice cream, or learning how to make the perfect chocolate cake. It’s so damn frustrating. (Chocolate Quotes)
I made a chocolate cake with white chocolate. Then I took it to a potluck. I stood in line for some cake. They said, Do you want white cake or chocolate cake? I said, yes. (Chocolate Quotes)
I’m pretty sure I became an actress solely because of craft services. When you’re a kid and there’s a lady walking around with a tray of chocolate and other free candy, that’s the best reason to be in the industry! (Chocolate Quotes)
I never carry a purse. My iPhone is always with me, a credit card, and a piece of mint chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream gum. (Chocolate Quotes)
It’s all about what you feel on the inside - and I’m feeling like a chocolate chip cookie because I had about ten of them last night! (Chocolate Quotes)
I have days when I say, ‘I’m going to have five chocolate chip cookies today.’ I’ll have a salad every day but every week I have a cheat day. (Chocolate Quotes)
In the 60s, my father, Wally Amos, had been a talent agent and a personal manager before taking a major career detour in 1975, when he opened a store selling chocolate chip cookies. (Chocolate Quotes)
I’m passionate about anything I align myself with. You want to talk about chocolate chip cookies? I’m not going to open a chocolate chip cookie store, but I will talk your ear off about it. (Chocolate Quotes)
I look out the window and I see the lights and the skyline and the people on the street rushing around looking for action, love, and the world’s greatest chocolate chip cookie, and my heart does a little dance. (Chocolate Quotes)
I swear, sometimes it feels like there’s this monkey in my head who runs around turning the dials and changing channels on me. One minute I’m sitting around eating chocolate chip cookies and then all of a sudden I’m thinking about bears. (Chocolate Quotes)
Whenever I have even a spare second, I’m in the kitchen whipping up a batch of cookies. I make a mean batch of chocolate chippers. (Chocolate Quotes)
Normally, eat any our caterer makes these wonderful chocolate chip cookies for lunch. It was my one treat of the day, after getting beat up on the mountain while shooting Lone Survivor. I’d eat a couple cookies and then take a 15-minute nap on the top of the mountain. (Chocolate Quotes)
Ads are baked into content like chocolate chips into a cookie. Except, it’s actually more like raisins into a cookie because no one [expletive] wants them there. (Chocolate Quotes)
I’m all over the place with muffins. Carrots are great. Banana, chocolate chip, they rock, too. (Chocolate Quotes)