Chogyam Trungpa Quotes

Text Quotes
Habit is formed out of memory... We often shape our present situation according to those habitual memories. Instead of starting fresh, we go back to what we’ve done in the past... easier for us than fighting our way through foreign territory (Chogyam Trungpa Quotes)
Our path is sometimes rough and sometimes smooth; nonetheless, life is a constant journey... whatever we do is regarded as our journey, our path. That path consists of opening oneself to the road, opening oneself to the steps we are about to take (Chogyam Trungpa Quotes)
Language should fulfill your individual existence as a wholesome human being... Language should be more than just getting by (Chogyam Trungpa Quotes)
We cannot avoid our lives. We have to face our lives, young or old, rich or poor. Whatever happens, we cannot save ourselves from our lives at all... the more you understand, the more you will realize your own responsibility (Chogyam Trungpa Quotes)
The discovery of magic can happen only when we transcend our embarrassment about being alive, when we have the bravery to proclaim the goodness and dignity of human life, without either hesitation or arrogance. Then magic can descend onto our existence (Chogyam Trungpa Quotes)
Meditation practice is a way of making friends with ourselves. Whether we are worthy or unworthy, that’s not the point. It’s developing a friendly attitude to ourselves, accepting the hidden neurosis coming through (Chogyam Trungpa Quotes)
We should see money in terms of the expenditure of energy and how we are going to transmute that energy into a proper use (Chogyam Trungpa Quotes)
The courage to work with ourselves comes as basic trust in ourselves, as a sort of fundamental optimism (Chogyam Trungpa Quotes)
The meditator develops new depths of insight through direct communication with the reality of the phenomenal world... He or she is able to see not only the absence of complexity, the absence of duality, but the stoneness of stone and the waterness of water. One sees things precisely as they are, not merely in the physical sense, but with awareness of their spiritual significance (Chogyam Trungpa Quotes)
No one can stop or control your thought process or your thinking. You can think anything you want. But that doesn’t seem to be the point. The thinking process has to be directed into a certain approach... not in accord with certain dogma, philosophy, or concepts. Instead, one has to know the thinker itself (Chogyam Trungpa Quotes)
While you’re meditating, all kinds of thoughts arise... You don’t find your thoughts threatening or particularly helpful. They just become the general gossip of your thoughts. This traffic of your thoughts and the verbosity of your mind are simply part of the basic chatter that goes on in the universe. Just let it go through (Chogyam Trungpa Quotes)
If we go somewhere on foot, we know the way perfectly, whereas if we go by car or airplane, we are hardly there at all. It becomes merely a dream (Chogyam Trungpa Quotes)
When you put relative and absolute truth together and they become one unit, it becomes possible to make things workable. You are not too much on the side of absolute truth, or you would become too theoretical. You are not too much on the side of relative truth, or you would become too precise. When you put them together, you realize that there is no problem (Chogyam Trungpa Quotes)
You don’t know how to take off your suit of armor. You have no idea how to conduct yourself without the reference point of your own security... You can expose your wounds and flesh, your sore points. You can be completely raw and exposed (Chogyam Trungpa Quotes)
In fact, a person always finds when he begins to practice meditation that all sorts of problems are brought out. Any hidden aspects of your personality are brought out into the open, for the simple reason that for the first time you are allowing yourself to see your state of mind as it is (Chogyam Trungpa Quotes)
The emphasis on practice is because it is the only time in your life you can steer your karmic situation (Chogyam Trungpa Quotes)
If we really prefer basic sanity or enlightenment, it’s irritatingly possible to get into it (Chogyam Trungpa Quotes)
When one is able to overcome the romantic and emotional attitude, one discovers truth even in the kitchen sink (Chogyam Trungpa Quotes)
If we open our eyes, if we open our minds, if we open our hearts, we will find that this world is a magical place. It is magical not because it tricks us or changes unexpectedly into something else, but because it can be so vividly and brilliantly (Chogyam Trungpa Quotes)
Our bodies demand our attention; our bodies demand that we actually pay attention to what is going on with our lives (Chogyam Trungpa Quotes)
The practice of meditation is a way of continuing one’s confusion, chaos, aggression, and passion-but working with it, seeing it from the enlightened point of view (Chogyam Trungpa Quotes)
The point is that whatever one is trying to learn, it is necessary to have firsthand experience, rather than learning from books or from teachers or by merely conforming to an already established pattern (Chogyam Trungpa Quotes)
Meditation is a way of developing clarity, which allows us to see the precision of daily life situations as well as our thought process so that we can relate with both of them fully and completely (Chogyam Trungpa Quotes)
The point of meditation is not merely to be an honest or good person in the conventional sense, trying only to maintain our security. We must begin to become compassionate and wise in the fundamental sense, open and relating to the world as it is (Chogyam Trungpa Quotes)
That is the basic pattern of this kind of meditation, which is based on three fundamental factors: first, not centralizing inward; second, not having any longing to become higher; and third, becoming completely identified with here and now (Chogyam Trungpa Quotes)
Meditation practice is regarded as a good and in fact excellent way to overcome warfare in the world; our own warfare as well as greater warfare (Chogyam Trungpa Quotes)
For the warrior, every moment is a challenge to be genuine, and each challenge is delightful. When you let go properly, you can relax and enjoy the challenge (Chogyam Trungpa Quotes)
The epitome of the human realm is to be stuck in a huge traffic jam of discursive thought (Chogyam Trungpa Quotes)
The ideal of warriorship is that the warrior should be sad and tender, and because of that, the warrior can be very brave as well (Chogyam Trungpa Quotes)
We must begin our practice by walking the narrow path of simplicity, the hinayana path, before we can walk upon the open highway of compassionate action, the mahayana path (Chogyam Trungpa Quotes)