Chooses Quotes

Text Quotes
My father, never chooses me for anything. If you needed a kidney and I offered him mine, well, pfft. Well, he’d take it ‘cos he was dying. It’s not that he doesn’t love me, ‘cos he does. It’s just that special kind of love that feels like neglect. (Chooses Quotes)
I fell in love with him. But I don’t just stay with him by default as if there’s no one else available to me. I stay with him because I choose to, every day that I wake up, every day that we fight or lie to each other or disappoint each other. I choose him over and over again, and he chooses me. (Chooses Quotes)
When the FDA forces an old drug off the market, patients have very little say in the matter. Patients have even less of a say when the FDA chooses not to approve a new drug. Instead, we are supposed to rely on the FDA’s judgment and be grateful. But can the FDA really make a choice that is appropriate for everyone? Of course not. (Chooses Quotes)
I never want to discourage anyone who chooses the arts as a path because it’s hard enough to make it in this business or even get ahead. (Chooses Quotes)
If a president can enforce a part of a law and delay a part of a law, then does he have a power to not enforce any law he so chooses? If he can allow illegal aliens to freely run across our border, can he force legal citizens out of the country? Where would be the end of his power? (Chooses Quotes)
Issues such as transparency often boil down to which side of - pick a number - 40 you’re on. Under 40, and transparency is generally considered a good thing for society. Over 40, and one generally chooses privacy over transparency. On every side of this issue, hypocrisy abounds. (Chooses Quotes)
Obviously, nobody chooses not to have kids because they’d rather sleep in late. It’s a very visceral decision, and it’s a complicated decision. (Chooses Quotes)
As exercise is necessary to the development of physical muscle, so development of the moral nature is accomplished through temptation. The soul being given choice, may exercise it in whatever direction it chooses, for it learns just as well by its mistakes as by right action in the first place, perhaps even better. (Chooses Quotes)
To be sure, the response of faith to revelation, which God grants to the creature he chooses and moves with his love, occurs in such a way that it is truly the creature that provides the response, with its own nature and its natural powers of love. (Chooses Quotes)
Just because we want our favorite team to win does not mean there’s any lack of toughness when a player chooses family first. (Chooses Quotes)
A lot of the time the film chooses me. I’ll be working and I’ll get a call from my agent and I’ll get the script and then tell him what I think. (Chooses Quotes)
Pippin chooses love and finds a greater sense of himself at the end of all the madness. I relate to him in many ways. I have been through stuff, thought I knew best, and often been proven wrong. (Chooses Quotes)
When I served in the Army, along the Iron Curtain we had a word for a person who absconds with information and provides it to another nation: traitor. We also had a name for a person who chooses to reveal secrets he had personally promised to protect: common criminal. (Chooses Quotes)
Success, for me, is that if my son chooses to be a stay-at-home parent, he is cheered on for that decision. And if my daughter chooses to work outside the home and is successful, she’s cheered on and supported. (Chooses Quotes)
My partner doesn’t read. He’s not illiterate - he just chooses not to read - and I love reading. I’m obsessed with reading. (Chooses Quotes)
Each one chooses his or her path to come in contact with the external world. I chose to merge with the environment. (Chooses Quotes)
You just play what a writer writes, in terms of what a character chooses to do and how a character chooses to deal with their various relationships. (Chooses Quotes)
It is a quirk of American culture that each generation of nonconservatives sees the right-wingers of its own generation as the scary ones, then chooses to remember the right-wingers of the last generation as sort of cuddly. (Chooses Quotes)
When someone chooses to value herself over the things she can buy, true transformation begins (Chooses Quotes)
Camera lies all the time. It’s all it does is lie, because when you choose this moment instead of this moment, when you... the moment you’ve made a choice, you’re lying about something larger. ‘Lying’ is an ugly word. I don’t mean lying. But any artist picks and chooses what they want to paint or write about or say. Photographers are the same. (Chooses Quotes)
I honestly do not know if civil disobedience has any effect on the government. I can promise you it has a great effect on the person who chooses to do it. (Chooses Quotes)
Some say we can’t choose who we fall in love with; love chooses us. Sometimes people fall for the complete antithesis of everything they believe they’re looking for. (Chooses Quotes)
Conservative activists, Tea Party activists, are threatening Donald Trump that if he chooses Reince Priebus, he will lose much of his base of support. (Chooses Quotes)
I think one of the reasons I’ve done so much period work is because I feel so depressed by how society chooses to represent women in contemporary work. (Chooses Quotes)
Power doesn’t corrupt. It’s neutral. Someone always wants to corrupt power. It’s the way a shotgun is not a deadly weapon until someone chooses to use it irrationally. (Chooses Quotes)
Everything changes when you make a decision to be one of the courageous ones, someone who chooses to make a life, rather than a living. (Chooses Quotes)
When blackened night falls, darkness exists if one chooses to rely on sight as thy only guide (Chooses Quotes)
The one who chooses to love will find appropriate ways to express that decision everyday (Chooses Quotes)
I have heard Science Fiction and Fantasy referred to as the fiction of ideas, and I like that definition, but it’s the mainstream public that chooses my books for the most part. (Chooses Quotes)
Worship God in the difficult circumstances, and when He chooses, He will alter them in two seconds (Chooses Quotes)