Chooses Quotes

Text Quotes
Until men learn to celebrate and operate on the feminine aspect of themselves and stop the oppression of women, children, the environment, other species, we don’t have a world to live in. It’s not a world that anyone chooses to live in (Chooses Quotes)
The concept of being a locavore, or one who chooses whenever possible to incorporate locally grown or locally produced food into one’s nutrition plan, is of great importance (Chooses Quotes)
If the environment permits it, anyone can learn whatever he chooses to learn, and if the individual permits it, the environment will teach him everything it has to teach (Chooses Quotes)
Heels are really hard to wear. I feel bad for every girl that has to wear heels or chooses to wear heels. They’re not fun (Chooses Quotes)
It is not seen as insane when a fighter, under an attack that will inevitable lead to his death, chooses to take his own life first. In fact, this act has been encouraged for centuries, and is accepted even now as an honorable reason to do the deed. How is it any different when you are under attack by your own mind? (Chooses Quotes)
I’m so happy for anyone who chooses to get married! I want more people to join the club (Chooses Quotes)
The 1990’s will be a determining period of time for another cycle. If humanity during this time chooses to throw away a lot of the mirages and illusions it’s fooled itself with, we will enter a very bright and golden age. It won’t happen in one day (Chooses Quotes)
No child really chooses his religion; it is just the luck of the draw which blanket of beliefs you are wrapped in (Chooses Quotes)
Consciousness comes first; it is the ground of all being. Everything else, including matter, is a possibility of consciousness. And consciousness chooses out of these possibilities all the events we experience (Chooses Quotes)
The delicate muses lose their head if their attention is once diverted. Perhaps if you were successful abroad in talking and dealing with men, you would not come back to your bookshelf and your task. When the spirit chooses you for its scribe to publish some commandment, it makes you odious to men and men odious to you, and you shall accept that loathsomeness with joy. The moth must fly to the lamp, and you must solve those questions though you die (Chooses Quotes)
God chooses that men should be tried, but let a man beware of tempting his neighbor (Chooses Quotes)
Perhaps the sketch of a work is so pleasing because everyone can finish it as he chooses (Chooses Quotes)
The fool who has not sense to discriminate between what is good and what is bad is well nigh as dangerous as the man who does discriminate and yet chooses the bad (Chooses Quotes)
Any one who chooses will set up for a literary critic, though he cannot tell us where he went to school, or how much time was spent in his education, and knows nothing about letters at all (Chooses Quotes)
I don’t understand the actor that chooses to play the same role in everything all the time (Chooses Quotes)
Law always chooses sides on the basis of enforcement power. Morality and legal niceties have little to do with it when the real question is: Who has the clout? (Chooses Quotes)
When one chooses to be a writer, psychologically there’s a reason for that because you like the isolation and you like to be by yourself and you are by nature timid (Chooses Quotes)
The average artist, if he chooses, could render an exact drawing of what he sees. Artistic work not only allows but demands some deviation from form and line. Just how far this may go depends on the viewpoint of each painter (Chooses Quotes)
Photography is a powerful medium of persuasion and propaganda. It has that ring of truth when all the time, in artful hands, it can make any statement the manipulator chooses (Chooses Quotes)
Society chooses to disregard the mistreatment of children, judging it to be altogether normal because it is so commonplace (Chooses Quotes)
The first choice an artist makes is precisely to be an artist, and if he chooses to be an artist it is in consideration of what he is himself and because of a certain idea he has of art (Chooses Quotes)
Love makes a spot beautiful: who chooses not to dwell in love, has he got wisdom? (Chooses Quotes)
If, instead of playing the horses, an individual chooses to play the market, that is his own affair. Only he must understand that speculating in stocks is gambling, not investing (Chooses Quotes)
We all choose things, and we also all choose against things. I want to be the kind of person who chooses for more than chooses against (Chooses Quotes)
Now that children don’t till your fields or take you in when you’re incontinent, there is no sensible reason to have them, and it’s amazing that with the advent of effective contraception anyone chooses to reproduce at all (Chooses Quotes)
It’s hard for me to sympathize with a young person who chooses to go into the military because they know where they’re going. I think we need to start depopulating the military (Chooses Quotes)
If it’s a really well written villain, he probably has more layers than the archetypal good person. So that would be very attractive to an actor. No one chooses to be a villain; it’s usually a reaction to something else (Chooses Quotes)
I think path in spirituality chooses us. I doubt seriously that we really have much choice in the matter (Chooses Quotes)
The lesson intended by an author is hardly ever the lesson the world chooses to learn from his book (Chooses Quotes)
Satire chooses and knows no objects. It arises by fleeing from them and their forcing themselves upon it (Chooses Quotes)