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There’s nothing like a hit movie to make you think you’re one of the chosen people. It’s amazing how smart we are the morning after a hit opens. (Chosen Quotes)
To the Christian Church, the destruction of the Temple served as an ultimate sign that the Jews were no longer God’s chosen people, divine favor having now been transferred to a newer and better Israel. (Chosen Quotes)
If I can’t have the proletariat as my chosen people any longer, at least capitalism remains my Satan. (Chosen Quotes)
We Americans are the peculiar, chosen people - the Israel of our time; we bear the ark of the liberties of the world. (Chosen Quotes)
We are God’s chosen people.We are God’s treasured possession.Let us rise in mighty strength to possess our rightful places as God’s children. (Chosen Quotes)
I think America, unfortunately, collectively thinks of itself as the ‘chosen people.’ To my knowledge, there are no chosen people, we are all human beings. (Chosen Quotes)
As the chosen people bore in their features the sign manual of Jehovah , so the division of labour brands the manufacturing workman as the property of capital . (Chosen Quotes)
God took his chosen people and we are what’s left. He looked at what’s left and thought: I could kill you all, but let’s see what happens. A little social experiment. (Chosen Quotes)
As for the very first settlers, they were not even free. The founders were not a chosen people except in the old Australian joke that they were chosen by the best judges in England. (Chosen Quotes)
We have an idea that we Americans are God’s chosen people, that God loves us more than any other people, and that we are God’s blessed. I tell you that God doesn’t love us any more than He does the Russians. (Chosen Quotes)
It was the disobedience and rebellion of the Jews, God’s chosen people, to their covenantal responsibility to serve only the one true God, Jehovah, that gave rise to the opposition and persecution that they experienced beginning in Canaan and continuing to this very day. (Chosen Quotes)
People get successful and they start saying, ‘Well of course I am! I was chosen! I’m special!’ No, you’re not. (Chosen Quotes)
I haven’t chosen any party yet because people choose parties when they get older. When it’s time, I’ll look, and if I can’t find one to join, I’ll make another party. (Chosen Quotes)
I’ve never necessarily chosen to be a bachelor. I’ve had girlfriends throughout the last 20 or 30 years. It’s just that there were times when I met people that fascinated me and times I didn’t. (Chosen Quotes)
There comes a point in many people’s lives when they can no longer play the role they have chosen for themselves. When that happens, we are like actors finding that someone has changed the play. (Chosen Quotes)
I was born into a profession in which my love of words, chosen with care for their meaning and nuance, was extremely important, not only to me, but also to the people with whom I worked with. (Chosen Quotes)
Most people have a concentration in particular areas; it might be politics, it might be science, it might be business, it might be sports. I care about all of those, and that’s why I’ve chosen the formats I chose. (Chosen Quotes)
The French people have chosen change. This change I will put into place. (Chosen Quotes)
Too much alcohol hampers people’s ability to parent. That’s why I’ve chosen to remain childless. (Chosen Quotes)
The quality of people’s lives is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavour. (Chosen Quotes)
Everybody has friends they dislike; people who they have slipped into relationships with, people they would not have chosen had they been more cautious, more circumspect. (Chosen Quotes)
They were truly new people. No longer Forest People, certainly not the Horde. They were outcasts. They were the chosen. Those who had died. Those who lived. (Chosen Quotes)
A lot of people say that my life is wasted on me because I could be a bigger asshole than I am, but I’ve chosen not to be. (Chosen Quotes)
It’s not what people do to us that hurts us. In the most fundamental sense, it is our chosen response to what they do to us that hurts us. (Chosen Quotes)
Most of you didn’t think that helping people share books would be a subversive act...Yet the fact is that you have chosen a profession that has become radical. (Chosen Quotes)
The plants we’ve chosen will collect and cycle Earth’s minerals,water, and air;shade the soil and renew it with leafy mulch; and yield fruits and greens for people and wildlife. (Chosen Quotes)
The jury consist of twelve persons chosen to decide who has the better lawyer (Chosen Quotes)
To want to be an actor is enough - you don’t need to tell us about it. The interesting person who comes with some life experience is always the person who is going to be chosen by me. (Chosen Quotes)
Not a great deal is known about the factors in childhood that doubtless underlie a person’s choice of career - I’m talking now about a career to which one is passionately committed, in contradistinction to a career chosen merely as a means of earning a living. (Chosen Quotes)
I’m proud of myself. I could break and go get all this plastic surgery and get my nose fixed and get lipo or do whatever, but I haven’t chosen to do that because I know I’m a great person. I’m pretty damn hot, if you ask me. (Chosen Quotes)