Chris Hayes Quotes

Text Quotes
Climate change is the biggest governing challenge we face. It’s the biggest governing challenge I think we’ve ever faced. (Chris Hayes Quotes)
We were arguing about what was good to deal with making education fairer, diverse and more American. We were not arguing about where black scientists get a good education. (Chris Hayes Quotes)
A Republican primary race that has for months alternated between spectacle and abomination has over the past 20th hours ignited into a raging, full-blown dumpster fire. One stoke by a group of men who hope to become the most powerful person in the world (Chris Hayes Quotes)
The political disfunction that has brought about the shutdown and now threatens default, isn’t so much gridlock. It is exposing the fatal flaw in our Constitution and highly distinct system of government. In other words, it’s the Constitution’s fault. Something truly catastrophic was bound to happen sooner or later (Chris Hayes Quotes)
One of the main points of the philosophy behind parkour is being able to help people... To teach them they way themselves, to gain confidence in themselves, building up from simple moves to more complex things, to teach them that they are worthwhile people (Chris Hayes Quotes)
It’s not uncommon for revolutions to stem from a radicalized group just outside the circle of power. That’s what the French Revolution was all about; that’s what the American Revolution was. The question is: Will all those groups, because of the nature of partisan polarization and ideological polarization, just fight each other? Or is there capacity to organize? (Chris Hayes Quotes)
Because we [the USA] are so powerful, our failures resonate more. In some ways, the worst victims of our institutional and elite failures, through the ripple effect of financial crisis and war, aren’t Americans (Chris Hayes Quotes)
Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz did their best Donald Trump impersonation. All three unleashing an unprecedented string of insults and attacks fit more for a barroom than a presidential debate stage (Chris Hayes Quotes)
Impossible is a word for other people to use when life scares them (Chris Hayes Quotes)
Donald Trump is not going anywhere. And we see as calculated as these are, he has a knack for telling a certain segment of a base what they want (Chris Hayes Quotes)
In a radio interview [Ted] Cruz compared [Donald]Trump`s behavior to schoolyard children throwing taunts at each other, vowing not to take part (Chris Hayes Quotes)
That`s a maple leaf, Canadian, not just for being too European but too Canadian. Not so subtly putting [Ted] Cruz`s face inside that maple leaf there (Chris Hayes Quotes)
Where is the Marco Rubio bump everyone was promised? And it doesn`t look very good (Chris Hayes Quotes)
No one`s dropped a cent - there`s no negative ads up against Donald Trump in Iowa which is crazy to think about (Chris Hayes Quotes)
There`s that issue of if you attack someone you don`t know where the votes are going to go (Chris Hayes Quotes)
Donald Trump got himself very far to the left. When he was considering running for president in 2000, he was for a 13 percent wealth tax on wealthy people to retire the national debt (Chris Hayes Quotes)
David Frum has been saying - [Donald] Trump is all about conservatism as identity, not conservatism as ideology (Chris Hayes Quotes)
It doesn`t really matter what policy you`re for, so long ease gets your gut-level anger about whatever. So, you can`t attack Donald Trump on policy (Chris Hayes Quotes)
The [Sarah ]Palin endorsement as sort of vouching for Donald Trump is all about. She is the sort of tribune of not conservatism as ideology (Chris Hayes Quotes)
The New York Times and Politico report , as Bush continues to flounder on the campaign trail, backers are placing some of the blame on Right To Rise and its inability to sell their candidate (Chris Hayes Quotes)
Politico reports, multiple advisers to the Right To Rise super Pac concede privately that the $40 million spent on positive ads aimed at telling Bush`s story yielded no tangible dividends (Chris Hayes Quotes)
Tens of millions of dollars spent, all meant to get Jeb Bush elected president. He currently is polling on average at around 5% (Chris Hayes Quotes)
As one [Jeb] Bush supporter told Politico, you might as well light all of this money [for election compaign] on fire (Chris Hayes Quotes)
For the love of God, find something actually socially useful to do with your money. Because if you don`t, socialism`s going to start looking a lot better to a whole lot of people (Chris Hayes Quotes)
Donald Trump said it was his idea for [Sarah] Palin to bring up her son at the rally (Chris Hayes Quotes)
The backlash to [Sarah] Palin`s comments was swift, with veterans and veterans` groups criticizing the apparent politicization of post-traumatic stress disorder (Chris Hayes Quotes)
I feel uncomfortable about the word hero because it seems to me that it is so rhetorically proximate to justifications for more war. Um, and, I don’t want to obviously desecrate or disrespect memory of anyone that’s fallen, and obviously there are individual circumstances in which there is genuine, tremendous heroism, you know, hail of gunfire, rescuing fellow soldiers and things like that. But it seems to me that we marshal this word in a way that is problematic. But maybe I’m wrong about that (Chris Hayes Quotes)
Having an energy conversation without talking about climate is like talking about smoking and not talking about cancer (Chris Hayes Quotes)
If you want to defend torture, well then go ahead. But please spare me any sermons about the law ever again (Chris Hayes Quotes)
We ask the education system to expiate the sins of the rest of the society and then condemn it as hopelessly broken when it doesn’t prove up to the task (Chris Hayes Quotes)