Chris Jericho Quotes
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All I ask is for people to trust me (Chris Jericho Quotes)
If you’re in the WWE, it’s like show business boot camp. You learn a little bit about everything as far as show business is involved. (Chris Jericho Quotes)
Think about it - pro wrestling as an Olympic sport would be pretty cool. Look at figure skating or gymnastics - what is it? It’s a choreographed performance that is judged (Chris Jericho Quotes)
A live performance is the same no matter what genre it is. Wrestling, rock ‘n roll, hosting, acting - it’s the same thing (Chris Jericho Quotes)
Congratulations to one of my favorite opponents and greatest rivals on returning to the WWE. The Rock is the BEST promo man of all time (Chris Jericho Quotes)
You know what’s funny to me? You know what’s really funny to me? The fact that you’ve been calling Lita the walking kiss of death, but tonight.. the walking KOD beat the walking STD (Chris Jericho Quotes)
I’ve always been the type of guy that wants to change, adapt and morph from year to year (Chris Jericho Quotes)
When you stop being nervous is when you should retire. I’m always a little nervous for anything I do because when complacency sets in, that’s when I feel it’s time to move on to something else. (Chris Jericho Quotes)
There’s no unemployment insurance if you don’t have a job in wrestling. You really have to be committed, to have a love and a passion for the sport, a belief in yourself that you can do it. (Chris Jericho Quotes)
What’s best for business is just continue to have an entertaining product with great, interesting characters. (Chris Jericho Quotes)
All right, New York City! Welcome to Madison... Square... Jericho! And after tonight, when I become the true, undisputed Intercontinental champion, the Jerichoholics of the Big Apple will throw a celebration party that will make the millennium bash in Times Square look like my sister’s seventh birthday party! It’ll be a celebration so huge, so grandiose, so spectacular, that it will never, EEEEEEEEVER, be forgotten again! (Chris Jericho Quotes)
I’ve always been pretty good at remembering the details about certain things (Chris Jericho Quotes)
I’m always trying to change things - change my character, change my look, change my hair, change my facial hair, change my costumes, or implement different jackets or catchphrases. I try to keep myself fresh. (Chris Jericho Quotes)
I have passion for music just like I have passion for wrestling, just like I have passion for creating and acting. (Chris Jericho Quotes)
There’s no limit to what you can accomplish in the world of entertainment. It’s all I’ve ever known since I was 19. (Chris Jericho Quotes)
People ask me what my favorite WWE era is. It’s now, because I’m living it. (Chris Jericho Quotes)
Live events are notorious for being pressure free. Stress free. It’s all about just doing the match. Doing what you feel. (Chris Jericho Quotes)
It so cliché to say some guys and girls need to step up, but there can be bigger stars and bigger names when people get their chance. (Chris Jericho Quotes)
I play a character in the WWE and everybody hates my character. I’m the evil villain bad guy. Whenever people meet me, they’re like, ‘Wow, you’re such a nice guy. We never expected that.’ (Chris Jericho Quotes)
Somebody actually tattooed my face on his arm. In a couple years, that will be the equivalent of having a Screech tattoo. (Chris Jericho Quotes)
In true rock star fashiuon, I had insomina last night and I didn’t sleep at all. So all I need is a bottle of Jack Daniels and some groupies, and I’ll be just like David Lee Roth (Chris Jericho Quotes)
You can’t wrestle forever. It’s a very physically taxing job. There’s no doubt about it. Physically, and more importantly, mentally (Chris Jericho Quotes)
Did you ever know that you’re a jackass? (Chris Jericho Quotes)
Lo, I am the most stupendous in the land at my particular profession (Chris Jericho Quotes)
I am the best in the world at what I do (Chris Jericho Quotes)
Am I a workaholic? Yes, but I also have no problem taking time for myself (Chris Jericho Quotes)
Will you please shut the hell up!? (Chris Jericho Quotes)
You will never ever be the same again! (Chris Jericho Quotes)
I wish you the beast of luck! (Chris Jericho Quotes)
Don’t you touch me again. I will knock you out, junior! (Chris Jericho Quotes)
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