Chris Matthews Quotes

Text Quotes
Isn’t Hollywood - and I love movies - a lot of it about a big lie? (Chris Matthews Quotes)
That is the voice of God because its the voice of truth and experience (Chris Matthews Quotes)
Eleanor Roosevelt said, always do what you`re afraid to do (Chris Matthews Quotes)
Here’s our policy. It’s Unite the world against terrorism (Chris Matthews Quotes)
Rush Limbaugh is beginning to look more and more like Mr. Big, and at some point somebody’s going to jam a CO2 pellet into his head and he’s going to explode like a giant blimp. That day may come. Not yet, but we’ll be there to watch (Chris Matthews Quotes)
Ben Carson`s not really a factor anymore. I hate to say that of anybody, but he isn`t a factor anymore. (Chris Matthews Quotes)
People - Hollywood doesn’t talk about how bad cigarette smells when it smells like they wake up in bed with somebody who has been smoking the night before. (Chris Matthews Quotes)
All Hollywood endings - the bad endings have to be the bad guys to be falling about 50 stories to his death and you have to see his eyeballs as he goes to his doom. (Chris Matthews Quotes)
We’ve got to recognize that when we march into Iraq, we’re setting up the card tables in front of every university in the Arab world, the Islamic world, to recruit for al-Qaida. (Chris Matthews Quotes)
Everything he’s done is clean as a whistle. He’s never not only broken any law, he’s never done anything wrong. (Chris Matthews Quotes)
I don’t believe he had a responsibility to even answer that question - you have no responsibility to answer personal questions that people have no right to ask you. (Chris Matthews Quotes)
I know, when I look into the eyes of my own children, the look of wonder when I speak of life back in the 60s. That’s why the Rolling Stones are such a hit even in their 60s, why Dennis Hopper is so compelling, even when he’s making pitches for something unhip as long-term financial planning (Chris Matthews Quotes)
Why are some people like Chuck Schumer, who`s probably going to be leader of the Senate, why is he switching from a big city financial center pro-trader to being an anti-trader? Is that because of upstate New York? What`s going on? I can`t figure this out (Chris Matthews Quotes)
We in America count on the profit motive to get people to do the right thing. That’s our basic American notion when it comes to business (Chris Matthews Quotes)
Natural-born American means you don`t have to be naturalized. You were born to an American mother, like President Obama, no matter where you were born (Chris Matthews Quotes)
Stop calling me communist. Stop calling the rest of us communists. You`ve got to stand up for what you believe should be the American government`s spirit, not what you`re just attacking people`s credibility (Chris Matthews Quotes)
The big lie is that the people who make a lot of money were the only ones that worked hard (Chris Matthews Quotes)
You know, there were 29 Democratic votes for censure in the Senate. and if the Republicans had any sense, they would have censured him before the 98 midterm election, and they would have won the election (Chris Matthews Quotes)
We’ve always had a dual role in the region - friend of Israel, and honest broker. We’ve given up the honest broker role completely (Chris Matthews Quotes)
Then the administration tied it in to the regional dispute between Israel and its enemies, as if that’s about international terrorism. No, it’s not (Chris Matthews Quotes)
The Democrats just don’t have a foreign policy that they’re willing to defend, that they’re willing to use to take down the president’s. We’re dealing with the power of suggestion here (Chris Matthews Quotes)
Sarah Palin - now don’t laugh - is writing a book. Not just reading a book, writing a book. Actually, in the word of the publisher, she’s ‘collaborating’ on a book. What an embarrassment! It’s one of these ‘I told you,’ books that jocks do (Chris Matthews Quotes)
Reagan was all about America, and you talked about it. Obama is, ‘We are above that now. We’re not just parochial, we’re not just chauvinistic, we’re not just provincial. We stand for something.’ I mean, in a way, Obama’s standing above the country, above - above the world. He’s sort of God. He’s going to bring all different sides together (Chris Matthews Quotes)
Just look at who won the third debate between Bush and Gore. I knew Bush won, because people liked him more. People just didn’t like Gore. But all the journalists thought Gore won big, he cleaned the guy’s clock (Chris Matthews Quotes)
It doesn’t serve an American interest. It really doesn’t really serve Israeli interests - it serves the interests of the political party that’s getting the votes of the settlers on the West Bank (Chris Matthews Quotes)
I think, like Ronald Reagan, in another way, in a secular way, John Paul II was a great communicator, but he was also a man of deep conviction. (Chris Matthews Quotes)
I think that the candidates who are doing it [not debating] are doing a great disservice to the party. It`s a sign of an unhealthy institution. (Chris Matthews Quotes)
Wouldn`t it be great for some of the Republican candidates to stand up to the money guys (Chris Matthews Quotes)
I always thought of him [Jack Kennedy] as a prince, with a charmed life. He was a guy who was sick and in horrendous pain all the time - who would say, I wish I had a few good days. (Chris Matthews Quotes)
[John F.Kennedy] liked fresh company, new people to come visit and then leave. ... I think he liked the protection of numbers too. (Chris Matthews Quotes)