Christian! Hence learn to do thy part, and leave the rest to Heaven

Christian! Hence learn to do thy part, and leave the rest to Heaven
John Henry Newman, a prominent figure in the 19th-century Christian world, was a firm believer in the power of faith and the importance of trusting in God's plan. His famous quote, "Christian! Hence learn to do thy part, and leave the rest to Heaven," encapsulates his belief in the balance between human effort and divine intervention.Newman understood that as Christians, it is our duty to do our part in fulfilling God's will. We are called to live out our faith through our actions, words, and deeds. This means actively seeking to do good, to love others, and to follow the teachings of Christ. However, Newman also recognized that there are limits to what we can control. There are circumstances and outcomes that are beyond our reach, and in those moments, we must trust in God's providence.
This balance between human effort and divine intervention is a central theme in Newman's writings and teachings. He believed that while we are called to work diligently and faithfully, we must also surrender our will to God's greater plan. This requires humility, trust, and a deep faith in God's goodness and wisdom.