Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes

Text Quotes
Honesty is not only the first step toward greatness, it is greatness itself (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
Kindness is a language the dumb can speak and the deaf can hear and understand (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
The highest virtue found in the tropics is chastity, and in the colder regions, temperance (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
The same wind that carries one vessel into port may blow another off shore (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
They are the weakest, however strong, who have no faith in themselves or their own powers (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
Panic is a sudden desertion of us, and a going over to the enemy of our imagination (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
Courage enlarges, cowardice diminishes resources. In desperate straits the fears of the timid aggravate the dangers that imperil the brave (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
In politics, merit is rewarded by the possessor being raised, like a target, to a position to be fired at (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
No man is happy without a delusion of some kind. Delusions are as necessary to our happiness as realities (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
There is great beauty in going through life without anxiety or fear. Half our fears are baseless, and the other half discreditable (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
Tears are nature's lotion for the eyes. The eyes see better for being washed by them (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
The cure for tender sensibilities is to make more of our objects and less of our selves (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
Age, that acquaints us with infirmities in ourselves, should make us tender in our reprehension of weakness elsewhere (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
Ambition, in one respect, is like a singer’s voice; pitched at too high a key, it breaks and comes to nothing (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
A peculiar work in any art must not be too hastily judged. New styles have to create new tastes (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
It is one of the arts of a great beauty to heighten the effect of her charms by affecting to be sweetly unconscious of them (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
No work deserves to be criticized that has not much in it that deserves to be applauded (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
Our courage is greater to dare a visible than an imagined danger. A visible danger rouses our energies to meet or avert it; a fancied peril appalls from its presenting nothing to be resisted. Thus, a panic is, usually, a sudden going over to the enemy of our imagination. All is then lost, for we have not only to fight against that enemy, but our imagination as well (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
The natural wants are few, and easily gratified: it is only those which are artificial that perplex us by their multiplicity (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
When we have the means to pay for what we desire, what we get is not so much what is best, as what is costliest (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
A great destiny needs a generous diet... What can be expected of a people that live on macaroni! (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
I desire to go through life knowing as little of evil in it as possible. To this end, I sometimes avoid looking too closely into the nature of things, studying them only so far as they seem to be good, and abandoning interest in them as soon as their darker feature begin to appear. The good only deserves a hearty interest (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
It is not the number of facts he knows, but how much of a fact he is himself, that proves the man (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
To no circumstance is the wide diffusion of error in the world more owing than to our habit of adopting conclusions from insufficiently established data. An indispensable preliminary, then, in every investigation, is to get at facts. Until these are arrived at, every opinion, theory, or system, however ingeniously framed, must necessarily rest upon an uncertain basis (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
Elements of the heroic exist in almost every individual: it is only the felicitous development of them all in one that is rare (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
Perhaps the heroic element in our natures is exhibited to the best advantage, not in going from success to success, and so on through a series of triumphs, but in gathering, on the very field of defeat itself, the materials for renewed efforts, and in proceeding, with no abatement of heart or energy, to form fresh designs upon the very ruins and ashes of blasted hopes. Yes, it is this indomitable persistence in a purpose, continued alike through defeat and success, that makes, more than aught else, the hero (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
The cause of laziness is physiological; it is an infirmity of the constitution, and its victim is as much to be pitied as a sufferer from any other constitutional infirmity. It is even worse than many other diseases; from them the patient may recover, while this is incurable (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
Who aspires to remain leader must keep in advance of his column. His fear must not play traitor to his occasions. The instant he falls into line with his followers, a bolder spirit may throw himself at the head of the movement initiated, and in that moment his leadership is gone (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
Within the sacred walls of libraries we find the best thoughts, the purest feelings, and the most exalted imaginings of our race (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)
Life is indeed either a rich possession or a poor, according as it is made subservient to noble aims or ignoble pleasures (Christian Nestell Bovee Quotes)