Christianity Quotes

Text Quotes
The real truth, I thought, in terms of what faith is and what Christianity is (Christianity Quotes)
Christianity teaches salvation by grace through faith, every other religion teaches salvation through works and merit. (Christianity Quotes)
Christianity is in no way a stoic faith. It fundamentally rejects the stiff upper lip school of thought. (Christianity Quotes)
Christianity is not the faith of the complacent, the comfortable or of the timid. It demands and creates heroic souls... (Christianity Quotes)
If Christians see Mormonism as a dramatic deviation from a millennia-old, biblically-based faith, Jews see Christianity in the same light. (Christianity Quotes)
Christianity can be summed up in the two terms faith and love...receiving from above [faith] and giving out below [love]. (Christianity Quotes)
We’re in danger of losing an even more foundational belief of Christianity: that salvation is only possible through faith in Jesus Christ. (Christianity Quotes)
There is something that pretends to be christianity which is mostly mood. The measure of its faith is merely the measure of its feeling. (Christianity Quotes)
If you believed in Christianity or Islam it was called ‘faith’, but if you believed in astrology or Friday the thirteenth it was Superstition! (Christianity Quotes)
There is no reason whatsoever to think that Buddhism can compete successfully with the relentless evangelizing of Christianity and Islam. Nor should it try to. (Christianity Quotes)
It is apparent that Christianity and Islam must come, and come immediately, to a closer understanding, and it is equally apparent that their unity if achieved, will be the most effective defensive measure against Communist expansion. (Christianity Quotes)
Abraham is such a fascinating figure. Three world religions - Judaism, Christianity, and Islam - all claim him as a patriarch. He was raised in a religious home. And yet he rejected religion in order to pursue a personal relationship with God. (Christianity Quotes)
It was through the Hindu religion that I learnt to respect Christianity and Islam (Christianity Quotes)
The conflict is not between Christianity and Islam or between East and West - instead, it is between stupid people and other stupid people. (Christianity Quotes)
A key difference between Christianity and Islam is that Muslims believe that the Koran contains verbatim the word of God; it is written in the imperative. This precludes a comparison with Christianity. (Christianity Quotes)
Belief in heaven and hell is a big deal in Judaism , Christianity , and Islam , and some forms of doctrinaire Buddhism . For the rest of us it’s simply meaningless. We don’t live in order to die, we live in order to live. (Christianity Quotes)
Only if you have some knowledge of the human sacrifices, the vicious temple rites, the degrading superstitions and customs that were practiced . . . can you realize how much the modern world owes to the Hebrew prophets, whose monotheism and moral teachings entered into Christianity and Islam.... (Christianity Quotes)
Well, in the sense of the traditional notion of God, coming out of Christianity and Islam and the Abrahamic religions, I do not hold with that concept of a God or deity. In that concept, I’m agnostic. Okay, I don’t know the answer, let’s find the answer. (Christianity Quotes)
Beyond these models of reconciliation, a theology of mysticism provides some hope for common ground between Christianity and Islam. Both religions have within their histories examples of ecstatic union with God, which seem at odds with their own spiritual traditions but have much in common with each other. (Christianity Quotes)
Every single one of the major world faiths, whether we’re talking about Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Darwinism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, have all come to the conclusion that what holds us back from our better self is ego, selfishness, greed, unkindness, hatred. And it all springs from a sense of thwarted ego. (Christianity Quotes)
The great unmentionable evil at the center of our culture is monotheism. From a barbaric Bronze Age text known as the Old Testament, three anti-human religions have evolved -- Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These are sky-god religions. They are, literally, patriarchal -- God is the Omnipotent Father -- hence the loathing of women for 2,000 years in those countries afflicted by the sky-god and his earthly male delegates. (Christianity Quotes)
Science is only truly consistent with an atheistic worldview with regards to the claimed miracles of the gods of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Moreover, the true believers in each of these faiths are atheists regarding the specific sacred tenets of all other faiths. Christianity rejects the proposition that the Quran contains the infallible words of the creator of the universe. Muslims and Jews reject the divinity of Jesus. (Christianity Quotes)
I like to read about different religions - Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism (Christianity Quotes)
Compassion is the key in Islam and Buddhism and Judaism and Christianity. They are profoundly similar. (Christianity Quotes)
I believe in Christianity, Judaism and Islamism, but I stay away from churches, synagogues and mosques. (Christianity Quotes)
Christianity and Islam, they have the same morals, same lifestyle, some of the same stories that shaped them. (Christianity Quotes)
Archaeologists have made discoveries that challenge fundamental traditions of Judaism as well as those of Christianity and Islam. (Christianity Quotes)
Like fundamentalist Judaism and medieval Christianity, Islam is totalist. That is to say, it makes a total claim on the individual. (Christianity Quotes)
It seems to me that Islam and Christianity and Judaism all have the same God, and he’s telling them all different things. (Christianity Quotes)
Christianity and Islam are today the most numerous and fastest growing religions globally. Together they encompass more than half of humanity. Consequence: both are here to stay. (Christianity Quotes)