Christians Quotes

Text Quotes
I like their Christ, but I don’t like their Christians (Christians Quotes)
In the post-Christian world, all Christians will be mystics (Christians Quotes)
There is no room for Christians in today’s Democratic Party (Christians Quotes)
The Christians and the world have totally different goals (Christians Quotes)
One of the most stinging criticisms made against Christians is that their minds are narrow and their hearts small. This may not be wholly true, but that such a charge can be made at all is sufficient cause for serious heart searching and prayer (Christians Quotes)
It appears that too many Christians want to enjoy the thrill of feeling right but are not willing to endure the inconvenience of being right (Christians Quotes)
As Christians, we are not to be people without feelings. I certainly do not think we should follow our feelings alone, but I believe that if there is no feeling in our hearts, then we are dead (Christians Quotes)
The modern scientist has lost God amid the wonders of His world; we Christians are in real danger of losing God amid the wonders of His Word (Christians Quotes)
At the root of the Christian life lies belief in the invisible. The object of the Christian's faith is unseen reality (Christians Quotes)
Of all, we have made the Word of Truth conform to our experience and accepted this low plane as the very pasture of the blessed. It will require a determined heart and more than a little courage to wrench ourselves loose from the grip of our times and return to Biblical ways. But it can be done. Every now and then in the past Christians have had to do it. History has recorded several large-scale returns led by such men as St. Francis, Martin Luther and George Fox. Unfortunately there (Christians Quotes)
One important point many fail to understand is that the Bible was never meant to replace God; rather, it was meant to lead us into the heart of God. Too many Christians stop with the text and never go on to experience the presence of God (Christians Quotes)
God is never at a loss because He cannot find someone to cooperate with Him in carrying out His plan. He so moves in the hearts of people - either Christians or non Christians, it makes no difference - that they willingly, of their own free will carry out His plans (Christians Quotes)
One of the best kept secrets among Christians today is this: Jesus paid it all. I mean all. He not only purchased your forgiveness of sins and your ticket to heaven, He purchased every blessing and every answer to prayer you will ever receive. Every one of them - no exceptions (Christians Quotes)
This pursuit requires sustained, vigorous effort. It allows for no indolence, no lethargy, no halfhearted commitment, and no laissez- faire attitude toward even the smallest sins. In short, it demands the highest priority in a Christian's life because to be holy is to be like Christ - God's goal for every Christian. The word pursue (Christians Quotes)
As soon as we take the enfleshment of God, the incarnation which, for Christians, is represented by the person of Jesus Christ, then we start taking things seriously (Christians Quotes)
That the Jews assumed a right exclusively to the benefits of God will be a lasting witness against them and the same will it be against Christians (Christians Quotes)
The impact of the holocaust on believers as well as unbelievers, on Jews as well as Christians, has not yet been evaluated. Not deeply, not enough (Christians Quotes)
Now, when I hear that Christians are getting together in order to defend the people of Israel, of course it brings joy to my heart. And it simply says, look, people have learned from history (Christians Quotes)
With sincerity and earnestness one can realize God through all religions. The Vaishnavas will realize God, and so will the Saktas, the Vedantists and the Brahmos. The Mussalmans and the Christians will realize him too. All will certainly realize God if they are earnest and sincere (Christians Quotes)
Christians have abused, oppressed, enslaved, insulted, tormented, tortured, and killed people in the name of God for centuries, on the basis of a thelogically defensible reading of the Bible (Christians Quotes)
With Christians, a poetical view of things is a duty. We are bid to color all things with hues of faith, to see a divine meaning in every event (Christians Quotes)
And because we are, somehow, better than they, we get to go to heaven and they don't. Christians will tell you outright that they believe that (Christians Quotes)
Jesus' call to bear the cross places all who follow him in the community of the forgiveness of sins. Forgiving sins is the Christ - suffering required of his disciples. It is required of all Christians (Christians Quotes)
The religion of Christ is not a tidbit after one's bread; on the contrary, it is the bread or it is nothing. People should at least understand and concede this if they call themselves christians (Christians Quotes)
Sanctification means that the Christians have been judged already, and that they are being preserved until the coming of Christ and are ever advancing towards it (Christians Quotes)
The word of cheap grace has been the ruin of more Christians than any commandment of works (Christians Quotes)
In the life of earnest Christians who pursue and profess holiness, humility ought to be the chief mark of their uprightness (Christians Quotes)
Fellow Christians, do let us study the Bible portrait of the humble man. And let us ask our brethren, and ask the world, whether they recognize in us the likeness to the original (Christians Quotes)
If there is any group in the world that should be motivated to make improvements, reflecting God's creative nature, it should be Christians (Christians Quotes)
Reform Jews are the children of Conservative Jews, or as they are sometimes known, Christians with curlier hair (Christians Quotes)