Christians Quotes

Text Quotes
I bid you farewell, sincerely wishing, that as men and christians, ye may always fully and uninterruptedly enjoy every civil and religious right (Christians Quotes)
The Christians gave Him Sunday, the Jews gave Him Saturday, and the Muslims gave Him Friday. God has a three day weekend (Christians Quotes)
Do not Christians and Heathens, Jews and Gentiles, poets and philosophers, unite in allowing the starry influences? (Christians Quotes)
In my experience, self-hatred is the dominant malaise crippling Christians and stifling their growth in the Holy Spirit (Christians Quotes)
O father Abram, what these Christians are, Whose own hard dealing teaches them suspect the thoughts of others! (Christians Quotes)
Of all religions, the Christian should of course inspire the most tolerance, but until now Christians have been the most intolerant of all men (Christians Quotes)
The Church is not a gallery for the exhibition of eminent Christians, but a school for the education of imperfect ones (Christians Quotes)
Red Letter Christians believe in the doctrines of the Apostle's Creed, are convinced that the Scriptures have been inspired by the Holy Spirit, and make having a personal transforming relationship with the resurrected Christ the touchtone of their faith (Christians Quotes)
Those of us who were brought up as Christians and have lost our faith have retained the sense of sin without the saving belief in redemption. This poisons our thought and so paralyses us in action (Christians Quotes)
You will probably have what is called a Christian Church here; they will not admit that we are Christians, but they cannot think us further from the plan of salvation as revealed from heaven than we know them to be, so we are even on that ground, as far as it goes (Christians Quotes)
Jews have God's promise and if we Christians have it, too, then it is only as those chosen with them, as guests in their house, that we are new wood grafted onto their tree (Christians Quotes)
The United States is no more a Christian nation because most of it's citizens are Christians than it is a 'white' nation because most of it's citizens are white. We are Americans because we practice democracy and believe in republican government, not because we practice revealed religion and believe in Bible-based government (Christians Quotes)
But if Christians don't get Jesus right, what chance is there that other people will bother much with him? (Christians Quotes)
People don't need Christians to act like we always have it together. People need us to be real! What kind of healing would come if we all just got real before God and others? (Christians Quotes)
One of our greatest challenges as Christians is to be driven by the love of Christ rather than constantly seeking after God's comfort (Christians Quotes)
The Labour party has never been a socialist party, although there have always been socialists in it - a bit like Christians in the Church of England (Christians Quotes)
Few Christians go into media or the arts today, or see it as a primary mission field or battlefield. But it is (Christians Quotes)
The greatest Christians in history seem to say that their sufferings ended up bringing them the closest to God - so this is the best thing that could happen, not the worst (Christians Quotes)
Let us hear what the Bible says and what we as Christians are called to hear together: By grace you have been saved (Christians Quotes)
We Christians should be aware that there’s something at stake in cultural participation that we wouldn’t have been concerned about if all we did was worry about the messages in culture (Christians Quotes)
We’re so rarely called on to be Christians, but when we are, we’ve got men like Atticus to go for us (Christians Quotes)
The best practical advice I can give to the present generation is to practice the virtue which the Christians call love (Christians Quotes)
Christians need to take the lead in educating people that children are gifts, as my autistic grandson most surely is. By going down the path we’re currently on, we might one day get rid of genetic diseases, but only at the cost of our own humanity (Christians Quotes)
Christians often want to hide behind the walls of the church, where we are comfortable, but sometimes we have to come out of the box (Christians Quotes)
True Christians consider themselves not as satisfying some rigorous creditor, but as discharging a debt of gratitude (Christians Quotes)
Christians often threaten atheists with eternal torture. But if we say that they’re delusional, they will tell us that we’re being rude (Christians Quotes)
Christians appeal to those who wrong them and make them friendly to themselves; they are eager to do good to their enemies; they are mild and conciliatory (Christians Quotes)
Christians are like teabags, you don’t really know what they’re like until you put them in hot water (Christians Quotes)
Consider that spiritual safety comes through spiritual unity. Christians united together are difficult to separate, difficult to break, difficult to pick off and destroy. It is when you isolate yourself by disrupting or denying unity that you are most at risk (Christians Quotes)
Christians aren’t people who never sin or always do the right thing. We’re people who live in continual repentance (Christians Quotes)