Christians Quotes

Text Quotes
Christians and Jews don’t believe in Allah or Brahma. Hindus don’t believe in Yahweh or Allah. Muslims don’t believe in Brahma or Yahweh. Atheists agree with all of them. (Christians Quotes)
Those of us who are Christians believe Jesus Christ is the only one who can redeem us (Christians Quotes)
I don’t believe in about 2700 Gods. Christians don’t believe in 2699 Gods. They’re nearly as atheistic as me. (Christians Quotes)
Most of the Catholics Christians I’ve met would for all practical purposes believe Jesus is God only, and we are human only. We missed the big point. The point is the integration, both in Jesus and ourselves. (Christians Quotes)
I love Jesus. I just don’t like the Christians who don’t believe in what he says. (Christians Quotes)
I’ve never been insulted by hateful satanists for not believing in their devil. Only by loving Christians for not believing in their God. (Christians Quotes)
Christians who believe in the Bible believe that it is their job to bring others the joy of salvation. Even if they’re murdered, beaten to death, imprisoned - that’s what you do for God. (Christians Quotes)
No one believes more strongly than I do that every Christian should be a theologian. In that sense, we all need to work it out. I want all Christians who can read, to read their Bibles and to read beyond the Bible - to read the history and theology. (Christians Quotes)
It is essential that Christians understand this: Every Jew - secular, religious, assimilated, left-wing, right-wing - fears being killed because he is Jewish. This is the best-kept secret about Jews, who are widely perceived as inordinately secure and powerful. But it is the only universally held sentiment among Jews. (Christians Quotes)
It would be a good contest amongst Christians, one to labor to give no offense, and the other labor to take none. The best of men are severe to themselves, tender over others. (Christians Quotes)
If you Christians acted more like your Christ, the world would be a better place (Christians Quotes)
Christians think a long record of church attendence and Bible reading is equivalent to an advanced degree in science. (Christians Quotes)
Many Christians understand the Bible to be a collection of stories without an overarching narrative. (Christians Quotes)
In Lake Placid we have Bible studies and it’s awesome to be able to share your struggles as an athlete and as a Christian with others Christian athletes. That’s one of the coolest things about sports ministry. We can share these common experiences with other Christians. Having Lolo as a teammate, for example, has been great. (Christians Quotes)
What is sad to me is not what Bill Nye thinks about me. What I found really unfortunate is that after presenting my stand on God’s Word, there were a number of Christians who were more complimentary of Bill Nye than of me because Bill Nye was defending evolution and billions of years. (Christians Quotes)
I find it difficult [to believe] that... Christians accuse [Black Muslims] of teaching racial supremacy or... hatred, because their own history and... teachings are filled with it. (Christians Quotes)
My feminism is what came squarely up against my faith. There’s a lot of ecstatic post-patriarchal Christians who have stuff they do with that. But at that point, you’re doing Christianity with a double-superscript. The Bible, and especially the book of Genesis, is pretty unapologetically patriarchal. (Christians Quotes)
I wonder how many people have been killed, tortured, and in some cases cannibalized, all because certain Christians (mis)applied the book of Joshua to their lives. (Christians Quotes)
Throughout the ages, Christians have adapted John of Patmos’s visions to changing times, reading their own social, political and religious conflicts into the cosmic war he so powerfully evokes. Yet his Book of Revelation appeals not only to fear and desires for vengeance but also to hope. (Christians Quotes)
Vegans have a way of circling every conversation back to food, much like born-again Christians have a way of returning every conversation to the scripture. (Christians Quotes)
To Catholic, Orthodox, and some Protestant Christians, communion involves partaking of the physical real presence of God in the bread and wine of the Eucharist. By contrast, the Torah draws the Jew into engagement with God’s infinite mind. Torah learning is the definitive Jewish mode of communion with God. (Christians Quotes)
The God of the Christians, as we have seen, is the God who makes promises only to break them; who sends them pestilence and disease in order to heal them; a God who demoralizes mankind in order to improve it. (Christians Quotes)
[Jesus] said that they will know we are Christians - not by our bumper stickers and T-shirts - but by our love. (Christians Quotes)
Not their love of humanity, but the impotence of their love, prevents the Christians of today - burning us. (Christians Quotes)
It is impossible to deny that Christians and Muslims have a common agenda here: both faiths have at their heart the living image of a community raised up by God’s call to reveal to the world what God’s purpose is for humanity. (Christians Quotes)
It can not be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians, not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ! (Christians Quotes)
There is a lot to celebrate about that little Babe who was laid in a manger. Christians celebrate Christmas because they are thankful for the promise of salvation, which was delivered in human flesh and named Jesus. (Christians Quotes)
I can look at the future with anticipation. And it’s comforting to know that someday, as Christians, we’ll be able to look back and have a little more clarity on why certain things in life happened. (Christians Quotes)
For Christians, they need to access the power of Jesus and not look at Christianity as a religion. It is our Lord Jesus that makes you change, and Christians need to actualize it and put it into practice. (Christians Quotes)
(About changing faith) At our best, Christians embrace it, leaving enough space within orthodoxy for God to surprise us every now and then. (Christians Quotes)