Christine Caine Quotes
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Text Quotes
Our sense of calling should be like an unfolding epic adventure (Christine Caine Quotes)
When we feed our faith, we starve our doubts (Christine Caine Quotes)
We’re not a product of time. We are a product of eternity (Christine Caine Quotes)
Even if people have disappointed you or circumstances have not turned out as you had hoped or prayed, know that God is with you, cares for you, and loves you. He is working all these things together for your good right at this very moment (Christine Caine Quotes)
We were never created to settle for mere religion. Jesus did not die so that we could have a religious belief system - but rather a life-giving relationship with our Father (Christine Caine Quotes)
God loves it when His children pray BIG, BOLD PRAYERS. Don’t be afraid to ask your Father for anything! (Christine Caine Quotes)
Just as God gave Moses exactly what he needed to accomplish great things, he will equip us in the same way. If he calls us to slay giants, he will make us into giant slayers (Christine Caine Quotes)
Light works most effectively in darkness (Christine Caine Quotes)
Your history does not need to define your destiny (Christine Caine Quotes)
God never consults your past to make your future (Christine Caine Quotes)
It’s not possible to be close to God without thinking about the lost. They never leave His mind (Christine Caine Quotes)
Spend more time building your character than trying to build your platform (Christine Caine Quotes)
Love gives up the right to get even (Christine Caine Quotes)
The same God who brought you here is the same God that will take you there! Stop worrying about how and trust Him. He who promised is faithful! (Christine Caine Quotes)
The pain of recovery is sometimes worse than the pain of the injury. Allow Jesus Christ to heal your soul (Christine Caine Quotes)
As leaders, it all comes down to trust. Do you trust the sovereignty of God? (Christine Caine Quotes)
Thoughts are like a train, they’ll take us somewhere. Protect by filling with the word of God (Christine Caine Quotes)
Until we care more about what God thinks than what other people think we are never truly free (Christine Caine Quotes)
If you commit yourself to living according to His Word your potential will be unlocked, and in time, what may look small now will grow into something significant (Christine Caine Quotes)
What God has asked you to do is not just difficult, it is impossible. He is well able! (Christine Caine Quotes)
Fulfilling our destiny and realizing our potential all begins in our mind. That’s why the devil tries to bombard our thinking. (Christine Caine Quotes)
Let your dreams be bigger than your fears and your actions louder than your words (Christine Caine Quotes)
Your talent will open the door but only your character can keep you there (Christine Caine Quotes)
We have been created for God and by God to transform the world around us (Christine Caine Quotes)
Jesus didn’t come to make us safe. He came to make us dangerous to the kingdom of darkness. (Christine Caine Quotes)
Being faithful doesn’t mean you are fearless. It just means that your faith is greater than your fear. (Christine Caine Quotes)
There is no promise too hard for God to fulfill. No prayer is too big for Him to answer! (Christine Caine Quotes)
A commitment to growth is a commitment to risk, courage, faith, strength, hope, and a willingness to make mistakes, get back up and try again (Christine Caine Quotes)
I don’t want to just live delivered but I want to live free (Christine Caine Quotes)
God uses rescued people to rescue people (Christine Caine Quotes)
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