Christmas Quotes

Text Quotes
The thoughtfulness and goodwill messages from loved ones brighten my Christmas day (Christmas Quotes)
What I don’t like about office Christmas parties is looking for a job the next day (Christmas Quotes)
I suggest a nationwide reading of the Holy Scriptures during the period from Thanksgiving Day to Christmas. (Christmas Quotes)
When it comes to kindness, paying it forward, and good deeds, every day should be like Christmas (Christmas Quotes)
We even had a different word for Christmas in my language, Bengali: Baradin, which literally meant ‘big day.’ (Christmas Quotes)
Christmas is the one day of the year when it’s most obvious someone’s missing. It had to become less about the presents. (Christmas Quotes)
It may be a cliche, but it’s true - the build-up to Christmas is so much more pleasurable than the actual day itself. (Christmas Quotes)
I get very unsettled by the mess of Christmas. I find the decorations a little bit hard, as my desire for everything to match is never fully satisfied. (Christmas Quotes)
My dad likes to recite the story of ‘Pablo the Donkey’ before dinner to teach us the real meaning of Christmas. Every year, it’s the same; every year, we cringe! (Christmas Quotes)
You know you’ve had too much to eat for Christmas dinner when you slump down onto a beanbag and realize... there is no beanbag. (Christmas Quotes)
The Christmas parties were orgies of drinking and singing and groping and pawing. Cartoon staffers invested their own money in preparatory liquor. (Christmas Quotes)
My garden in England is full of eating-out places, for heat waves, warm September evenings, or lunch on a frosty Christmas morning. (Christmas Quotes)
Christmas was the one time of year when my brothers surfaced at home, when my parents and grandparents congregated to eat my mother’s roast turkey. (Christmas Quotes)
In our racist, sexist society, Christmas is the 8 hours when we stop killing each other and gratutious over eating is encouraged so that the starving and other people in the world can die! (Christmas Quotes)
Our traditions have been waking up on Christmas morning and feasting on a southern breakfast. I’m from the South. We eat grits and biscuits and gravy and eggs with Ritz crackers and country ham, bacon, you name it. (Christmas Quotes)
If you’re an English actor, and you’re asked to do an episode - especially the Christmas episode - of ‘Downton Abbey,’ you can’t turn it down. It’s like, ‘Of course!’ (Christmas Quotes)
Come Christmas Eve, we usually go to my mom and dad’s. Everybody brings one gift and then we play that game when we all steal it from each other. Some are really cool, others are useful and some are a bit out there. (Christmas Quotes)
My family background is Mexican, and I was born in Chicago. It’s pretty much family tradition every time we get together for Christmas and major holidays to sing. Our family time is centered around the food and a little bit of performing for one another. (Christmas Quotes)
In my experience, clever food is not appreciated at Christmas. It makes the little ones cry and the old ones nervous. (Christmas Quotes)
Godot is whatever it is in life that you are waiting for: ‘I’m waiting to win the lottery. I’m waiting to fall in love’. For me, as a child, it was Christmas. At least that eventually came. (Christmas Quotes)
I think ‘Elf’ is funny, with Will Ferrell. That’s a great Christmas movie. (Christmas Quotes)
I say if a novelty Christmas song is funny one time, then it is funny every time. - Calvin (Christmas Quotes)
Our relationship felt like a Christmas gift that you hadn’t asked for and weren’t expecting to receive, but the minute you saw it, you knew it was perfect for you. (Christmas Quotes)
It’s Christmas time and my rhyme’s steady bumpin. Everybody happy, hair still nappy, Gonna steal a gift for my old grandpappy... (Christmas Quotes)
You might be a redneck if you go Christmas shopping for your mom, sister, and girlfriend, and you only need to buy one gift. (Christmas Quotes)
I was in a department store and I saw a weird-looking gadget. I asked the young saleslady what it was. She answered, It doesn’t do anything. It’s just a Christmas gift. (Christmas Quotes)
From the time that I can remember, I worked to make money - either baby-sitting, or one year wrapping gifts at a department store at Christmas, so I could have my own money. (Christmas Quotes)
Fresh, solid ideas feel like gifts to writers, therefore every morning is Christmas (Christmas Quotes)
It’s always consoling to know that today’s Christmas gifts are tomorrow’s garage sales (Christmas Quotes)
And numerous indeed are the hearts to which Christmas brings a brief season of happiness and enjoyment. (Christmas Quotes)