Christmas Quotes

Text Quotes
Christmas... is not an external event at all, but a piece of one’s home that one carries in one’s heart. (Christmas Quotes)
As I lay so sick on my bed, from Christmas till March, I was always praying for poor ole master. ‘Pears like I didn’t do nothing but pray for ole master. ‘Oh, Lord, convert ole master;’ ‘Oh, dear Lord, change dat man’s heart, and make him a Christian.’ (Christmas Quotes)
Christmas is the antithesis of Thanksgiving. Christmas is pretty much a man-made holiday. (Christmas Quotes)
The smell of pine needles, spruce and the smell of a Christmas tree - those to me, are the scents of the holidays. (Christmas Quotes)
There is something about Christmas that requires a rug rat. Little kids make Christmas fun. I wonder if could rent one for the holidays. (Christmas Quotes)
The holly green, the ivy green The prettiest picture you’ve ever seen Is Christmas in Killarney With all of the folks at home. (Christmas Quotes)
Money is made at Christmas out of holly and mistletoe, but who save the vendors would greatly care if no green branch were procurable? (Christmas Quotes)
We are each one on a road going toward home, but we’re not trying to get there for Christmas. We’re trying to get there for eternity. We want to arrive home safely to our loving Father in Heaven. He wants us to make it safely there, so He has sent a guiding light for us to follow: a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, the perfect example. (Christmas Quotes)
Christmas, when observed with the right spirit, still has the power to call miracles from Heaven to Earth. (Christmas Quotes)
Being a traditionalist, I’m a rabid sucker for Christmas. In July, I’m already worried that there are only 146 shopping days left. (Christmas Quotes)
Three years ago, the white hope of the theatre. Today, a mug. That’s New York for you. Puts you on a Christmas tree, and then - the alley. (Christmas Quotes)
My mom always makes the whole family pile into the car and drive around to look at the Christmas lights. My brother and I never want to do it, but my mom just loves it! (Christmas Quotes)
Actually, my mother and Alfie came for three weeks’ Christmas vacation and stayed for 21 years. I guess my mother never went back because she was lonely. (Christmas Quotes)
In my adolescence, I think I felt very outcast; I felt lonely. I felt great loneliness, and sometimes I wouldn’t partake in Christmas, and I would go off and wander in the streets of Melbourne. (Christmas Quotes)
Christmas is a joyous holiday season to celebrate get togethers; but take a moment to celebrate the true meaning that brought about the iconic joyous season. (Christmas Quotes)
I’d just got back from filming my role as Flo in ‘Kidnap and Ransom’ when I got the news that Channel 4 had re-commissioned ‘Fresh Meat,’ so I think it was the first Christmas I could actually relax knowing that I had three months’ work sorted. As an actor, that’s always a good feeling. (Christmas Quotes)
She smiled with all the delight of a kid on Christmas morning and said, Y’all smoke to enjoy it. I smoke to die. - Alaska (Christmas Quotes)
My idea of a perfect holiday is spending time with the family, waking up on Christmas morning or Thanksgiving morning, watching football all day, having the family come over, people you haven’t seen. (Christmas Quotes)
If you look at Christmas movies, there are certain things in them that lend themselves to a ‘Harold and Kumar’ movie. In particular, the more out-of-this-world things like Santa Claus and flying reindeer. (Christmas Quotes)
The Christmas market at the Barcelona Cathedral sells all kinds of things for your Nativity scene. It will also give you a good idea of Catalan culture. (Christmas Quotes)
At the Christmas party, the secretary with the long red hair ate three pickles, and four salesmen panicked. (Christmas Quotes)
As a child of eight Mr. Trout had once kissed a girl of six under the mistletoe at a Christmas party, but there his sex life had come to abrupt halt. (Christmas Quotes)
The concerted effort to minimize Christmas has resulted in it being our national Happy Holiday holiday. The Christmas season is now the holiday season. Christmas parties are now holiday parties. Christmas is a time for giving and receiving presents and in many homes, nothing more. Who is this fellow, Jesus Christ, anyway? (Christmas Quotes)
An Englishman, Irishman and Scotsman were invited to a Christmas party. The Englishman brought a bag of tinsel, the Scotsman brought a bag of holly and they asked the Irishman: What have you brought? He said: I brought a pair of knickers. They asked: What has that got to do with Christmas? He said They’re Carol’s. (Christmas Quotes)
Then, when I got in the military, I used to host - even in high school - I hosted the talent shows, and when I was in the military I would host all of our base Christmas parties and stuff. (Christmas Quotes)
We go to Italy every winter, and my husband’s mother has a bingo party on Christmas. Every woman brings a dish: lentils, cavolo nero, tons of beans, polenta, every type of cheese, bruschetta, fresh vegetables, and local olive oil and wine. (Christmas Quotes)
I throw a Christmas party at my house. It’s not really a Christmas party, because I don’t want to call it a Christmas party. But let’s just say I put a lot of Christmas trees around the house, so it smells good. (Christmas Quotes)
There’s always been something a little pathetic for me at the work parties I’ve attended, especially thinking back to the restaurants I worked in. I remember a Christmas party in which we all got free T-shirts with the restaurant on the front and our names on the back. (Christmas Quotes)
There is no real bravery in getting paid to save someone’s life. However, there is a large amount of bravery in a nurse break dancing at the hospital’s Christmas party. (Christmas Quotes)
The spirit of Christmas is - and hopefully always will be - about goodwill and generosity to others and peace on earth. (Christmas Quotes)