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Chucky Quotes

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Actually, I loved Chucky. It's one of the strangest movies I've ever seen  (Chucky Quotes) Chucky become a pandemic part of pop culture, definitely  (Chucky Quotes) I never expected that, 20 years later, Chucky would be considered a classic, if I may invoke that term. A golden oldie anyway, something that people still care about 20 years later  (Chucky Quotes) It just sort of suggested a very specific kind of impudence like this little-man syndrome. Chucky has this Napoleon complex. He’s a little guy with a lot of rage and that really pointed us in the direction of exploiting that aspect of his character, which people always seem to enjoy  (Chucky Quotes) After having, I think, rather successfully mined the horror-comedy aspects of this concept over the course of Bride of Chucky and Seed of Chucky, the fans are really telling us that they want it to be scary again. Doing the remake just provides us with a really good opportunity to bring it home, so to speak  (Chucky Quotes) When you look like I do its hard to get a table for one at Chucky Cheese  (Chucky Quotes)