Churches Quotes

Text Quotes
I spent a lot of time in churches. If you go to a synagogue, someone is always asking if you’re alone, if you’re married. In a church, in a hundred years no one would ask (Churches Quotes)
Here lies the author of this phrase: The itch for disputing is the sore of churches. Seek his name elsewhere (Churches Quotes)
Such religion as there can be in modern life, every individual will have to salvage from the churches for himself (Churches Quotes)
The more I know about business, the more I’m convinced that it is conducted in homes and churches far more than in office buildings (Churches Quotes)
In missional churches, the baby birds have been pushed out of the nest and are learning to fly for themselves (Churches Quotes)
Black women have not historically stood in the pulpit, but that doesn’t undermine the fact that they built the churches and maintain the pulpits (Churches Quotes)
The problem is not that the churches are filled with empty pews, but that the pews are filled with empty people (Churches Quotes)
God grant that we may contend with other churches as the vine with the olive which of us shall bear the best fruit; but not as the brier with the thistle, which of us shall be most unprofitable (Churches Quotes)
Some of those modern reformers who have placed themselves in strongest opposition to the religions of the past, have been noway behind either churches or sects in their assertion of the right of spiritual domination (Churches Quotes)
Evangelical churches are weaker than we realize because we don’t teach the confessions and doctrine (Churches Quotes)
In places where marriage’s core meaning has been altered through legal action, officials are beginning to target for punishment those believers and churches that refuse to adapt (Churches Quotes)
Although most Christian churches advocate some sort of mission to non-Christians, no Jewish group advocates a mission to non-Jews. Proselytization seems to be foreign to Judaism (Churches Quotes)
I am writing to all the churches to let it be known that I will gladly die for God if only you do not stand in my way... Let me be food for the wild beasts, for they are my way to God (Churches Quotes)
I think that the churches do a better job in many respects than the government does in various kinds of things. Extending aid, the helpfulness, and so on, yes (Churches Quotes)
Americans practice different faiths in churches, synagogues, mosques and temples. And many good people practice no faith at all (Churches Quotes)
If I ever found a church that didn’t believe in knocking all the other churches, I might consider joining it (Churches Quotes)
People learn to shop for churches; there is no loyalty to the church. They’re consumers being attracted to one product or another. I think it’s sacrilege, to tell you the truth, it really is (Churches Quotes)
The kind of sermon which is preached in most colored churches is not today attractive to even fairly intelligent men (Churches Quotes)
I’ve been speaking at churches for years, as well as juvenile jails, rehabs and hospitals, and I always talk about my faith. That is a declaration of my relationship with Go (Churches Quotes)
I’ve traveled all over the country for years speaking in churches, teaching the Ten Commandments. It’s amazing if 2 percent of any congregation knows the Ten Commandments (Churches Quotes)
In regard to education, something has been done by the Provincial Legislature; but to build churches, and to place clergymen is a work of greater difficulty (Churches Quotes)
You get more churches burned down in the United States in the last two years than in the last hundred, because of the lack of understanding of culture and diversity and the beauty of it (Churches Quotes)
I love the description of Gothic churches before the printed word, that they were the bibles of the poor (Churches Quotes)
We do hereby command the Leaders of the Hebrew, Catholic and Protestant Churches to sanctify and have us crowned Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico (Churches Quotes)
However, as the Eastern churches have always maintained, through Christ creation is intended eventually to share in the life of God, the life of divine nature (Churches Quotes)
All the modern christian churches have no more authority to preach, baptize, or administer any other ordinance of the gospel than the idolatrous Hindoos have (Churches Quotes)
While attendance at traditional churches has been declining for decades... the evangelical movement is growing, and it is changing the way America worships (Churches Quotes)
All churches and all religions contain aspects of the truth, but only God is truth (Churches Quotes)
Political organizations have slowly substituted themselves for the Churches as the places for believing practices. Politics has once again become religious (Churches Quotes)
We sometimes idealize the early church and want our churches to go back to the simple, old ways. We need to carefully read the history. Harmony takes work (Churches Quotes)