Cicero Quotes

Text Quotes
The way to avoid the imputation of impudence is not to be ashamed of what we do, but never to do what we ought to be ashamed of (Cicero Quotes)
How do our philosophers act? Do they not inscribe their signatures to the very essays they write on the propriety of despising glory (Cicero Quotes)
Confidence is that feeling by which the mind embarks in great and long honourable courses with a sure hope and trust in itself (Cicero Quotes)
Not only is that an art in knowing a thing, but also a certain art in teaching it (Cicero Quotes)
Vicious habits are so odious and degrading that they transform the individual who practices them into an incarnate demon (Cicero Quotes)
Oh, how great is the power of truth! Which of its own power can easily defend itself against all the ingenuity and cunning and wisdom of men, and against the treacherous plots of all the world (Cicero Quotes)
It is the soul itself which sees and hears, and not those parts which are, as it were, but windows to the soul (Cicero Quotes)
Brevity is the best recommendation of a speech, not only in the case of a senator, but in that, too; of an orator (Cicero Quotes)
I add this also, that natural ability without education has oftener raised man to glory and virtue, than education without natural ability (Cicero Quotes)
It is foolish to pluck out one’s hair for sorrow, as if grief could be assuaged by baldness (Cicero Quotes)
In our amusements a certain limit is to be placed that we may not devote ourselves to a life of pleasure and thence fall into immorality (Cicero Quotes)
The happiest end of life is this: when the mind and the other senses being unimpaired, the same nature which put it together takes asunder her own work (Cicero Quotes)
It is folly to tear one’s hair in sorrow, as if grief could be assuaged by baldness (Cicero Quotes)
Every one cleaves to the doctrine he has happened upon, as to a rock against which he has been thrown by tempest (Cicero Quotes)
Virtue is uniform, conformable to reason, and of unvarying consistency; nothing can be added to it that can make it more than virtue; nothing can be taken from it, and the name of virtue be left (Cicero Quotes)
There is nothing better fitted to delight the reader than change of circumstances and varieties of fortune (Cicero Quotes)
As the scale of the balance must give way to the weight that presses it down, so the mind must of necessity yield to demonstration (Cicero Quotes)
We can more easily avenge an injury than requite a kindness; on this account, because there is less difficulty in getting the better of the wicked than in making one’s self equal with the good (Cicero Quotes)
Virtue and decency are so nearly related that it is difficult to separate them from each other but in our imagination (Cicero Quotes)
The first bond of society is marriage; the next, our children; then the whole family and all things in common (Cicero Quotes)
Be a pattern to others, and then all will go well; for as a whole city is affected by the licentious passions and vices of great men, so it is likewise reformed by their moderation (Cicero Quotes)
Learning maketh young men temperate, is the comfort of old age, standing for wealth with poverty, and serving as an ornament to riches (Cicero Quotes)
Reason is as it were a light to lighten our steps and guide us through the journey of life (Cicero Quotes)
In friendship we find nothing false or insincere; everything is straightforward, and springs from the heart (Cicero Quotes)
Friendship throws a greater luster on prosperity, while it lightens adversity by sharing in its griefs and anxieties (Cicero Quotes)
Exile is terrible to those who have, as it were, a circumscribed habitation; but not to those who look upon the whole globe but as one city (Cicero Quotes)
Death is dreadful to the man whose all is extinguished with his life; but not to him whose glory never can die (Cicero Quotes)
Every generous action loves the public view; yet no theatre for virtue is equal to a consciousness of it (Cicero Quotes)
What greater or better gift can we offer the republic than to teach and instruct our youth? (Cicero Quotes)
Virtue is increased by the smile of approval; and the love of renown is the greatest incentive to honourable acts (Cicero Quotes)