Cio Quotes

Text Quotes
The dimensions of a work of art are seldom realized by the author until the work is accomplished. It is like a flowering dream. Ideas grow, budding silently, and there are a thousand illuminations coming day by day as the work progresses. A seed grows in writing as in nature. The seed of the idea is developed by both labor and the unconscious, and the struggle that goes on between them (Cio Quotes)
Modern liberalism, for most liberals is not a consciously understood set of rational beliefs, but a bundle of unexamined prejudices and conjoined sentiments. The basic ideas and beliefs seem more satisfactory when they are not made fully explicit, when they merely lurk rather obscurely in the background, coloring the rhetoric and adding a certain emotive glow (Cio Quotes)
Sometimes ah think that people become junkies just because they subconsciously crave a wee bit ay silence (Cio Quotes)
With the enormous and steady increase in the volume of our literature, we must rely more and more upon sympathetic selection, judicious editing, and the indexer who knows where to exercise discretion. Any simpleton can write a book, but it requires high skill to make an index (Cio Quotes)
Respect people who trust you. It takes a lot for people to trust you, so treat their trust like precious porcelain (Cio Quotes)
The face of the sun is not without expression, but it tells us precious little of what is in its heart (Cio Quotes)
This new sport is comparable to no other. It is, in my opinion, one of the most intoxicating forms of sport, and will, I am sure, become one of the most popular. Many of us will perish before then, but that prospect will not dismay the braver spirits... It is so delicious to fly like a bird! (Cio Quotes)
When we want to do something while unconsciously certain to fail, we seek advice so we can blame someone else for the failure (Cio Quotes)
The press is ferocious. It forgives nothing, it only hunts for mistakes... In my position anyone sane would have left a long time ago (Cio Quotes)
The best poetry has its roots in the subconscious to a great degree. Youth, naivety, reliance on instinct more than learning and method, a sense of freedom and play, even trust in randomness, is necessary to the making of a poem (Cio Quotes)
As long as you live, it is never too late to make amends. Take my advice, child. Don’t waste your precious life with regrets and sorrow. Find a way to make right what was wrong, and then move on (Cio Quotes)
The driving forces of the universe, the framework upon which it is built up in all its parts, belong to another phase of manifestation than our physical plane, having other dimensions than the three to which we are habituated, and perceived by other modes of consciousness than those to which we are accustomed (Cio Quotes)
I hate online bullying. Those little comment boxes can brim with the most vicious, acidic, and pointless remarks (Cio Quotes)
A state is organic when it has a center, and this center is an idea that shapes the various domains of life in an efficacious way; it is organic when it ignores the division and the autonomization of the particular and when, by virtue of the system of hierarchical participation, every part within its relative autonomy performs its own function and enjoys an intimate connection with the whole (Cio Quotes)
All of consciousness is shifted from the imagined, the revisive, to the effort to perceive simply the cruel radiance of what is (Cio Quotes)
There is nothing as precious to man as a sound mind in a sound body and it is essential that the physical well being of our people merits as much attention as its spiritual welfare (Cio Quotes)
It is not only war that can stop war but men of goodwill, conscious of their mission can deal with such deadly enemy (Cio Quotes)
It’s a precious thing to be communicating to children, helping them discover the gift of language and thought (Cio Quotes)
I’m the kind of developer who likes to throw lightning rods around. To make a great program there’s got to be at least one person at the center who is breathing life into it. In a ferocious way (Cio Quotes)
The task of prophetic ministry is to nurture, nourish, and evoke a consciousness and perception alternative to the consciousness and perception of the dominant culture around us (Cio Quotes)
The short story, I should point out, is perforce a labor of love in today’s literary world; there’s precious little economic incentive to write one (Cio Quotes)
Early in life, when I first saw waterlilies on the ripples of a lake, I didn’t think they were flowers which grew from the water, but rather flowers which were mirrored from the shore into the lake. So many flowers grow in the silent waters of our souls, and they unfold their petals over the glaze of our consciousness: they grow from within us, but we think them reflections from the external world (Cio Quotes)
My wish is to construct a system of sociology on the model of celestial mechanics, physics, and chemistry (Cio Quotes)
Our effectiveness depends on our capacity to be audacious and astute, clear and appealing. I would hope that we can create a language more fearless and beautiful than that used by conformist writers to greet the twilight (Cio Quotes)
Horror is like a serpent; always shedding its skin, always changing. And it will always come back. It can’t be hidden away like the guilty secrets we try to keep in our subconscious (Cio Quotes)
Vaguely conscious of that great suspense in which we live, we find our escape from its sterile, annihilating reality in many dreams, in religion, passion, art (Cio Quotes)
The more you work with your dreams and your unconscious, and honor it, the more you understand it and it understands you. When you develop a relationship with your psyche this way, you begin to carry that energy into life and your relationships (Cio Quotes)
The healing of ourselves as healers has to take place first. Bringing ourselves to wholeness, we become more sensitive to other people. In the change of consciousness that happens within us, we bring about change of consciousness in those around us and in the planet itself (Cio Quotes)
What I do is more than just the clothes. It’s getting out whatever is inside that’s screaming the loudest. I wouldn’t call it therapeutic. It’s not that conscious (Cio Quotes)
I believe that there are three conditions to a woman’s beauty. First, you must realize that not all women are beautiful all of the time. Sometimes beauty comes on a subconscious level. When she is in love, or has met someone new and exciting, she shines. Second, you must understand that life is unfair. Beauty is something that, for some, must be worked at. The third condition is luck. Some women can just be lucky (Cio Quotes)