Circle Quotes

Text Quotes
If some lives form a perfect circle, other take shape in ways we cannot predict or always understand. Loss has been part of my journey. But it has also shown me what is precious. So has love for which I can only be grateful (Circle Quotes)
The more one knows, the more one comprehends, the more one realizes that everything turns in a circle (Circle Quotes)
Once again she shuddered with the evidence that time was not passing, as she had just admitted, but that it was turning in a circle (Circle Quotes)
The stars up close to the moon were pale; they got brighter and braver the farther they got out of the circle of light ruled by the giant moon (Circle Quotes)
Avoid teams at all cost. Keep your circle small. Never join a group that has a name (Circle Quotes)
No lake so still but it has its wave. No circle so perfect but that it has its blur. I would change things for you if I could; As I can’t you must take them as they are (Circle Quotes)
The venn diagram of boys who don’t like smart girls and boys you don’t wanna date is a circle (Circle Quotes)
Writing about an idea frees me of it. Thinking about it is a circle of repetitions (Circle Quotes)
Words, words, words, a million million words circle in my head like hawks, waiting to dive onto the page to rend and tear the only two words I want to write. Why me? (Circle Quotes)
The spiral is a spiritualized circle. In the spiral form, the circle, uncoiled, has ceased to be vicious; it has been set free (Circle Quotes)
He moved on, in the centre of a widening circle. He wasn’t an enemy, he was a nemesis (Circle Quotes)
He moves his thumb in a slow circle over the back of my hand. It is meant to comfort me, but it frustrates me instead. I need to talk to him. I need to look at him (Circle Quotes)
Losing too is still ours; and even forgetting still has a shape in the kingdom of transformation. When something’s let go of, it circles; and though we are rarely the center of the circle, it draws around us its unbroken, marvelous curve (Circle Quotes)
It’s the time of the night I like best, when most people are asleep and it feels like the world belongs completely to my friends and me, as though nothing exists apart from out little circle: everywhere else is darkness and quiet (Circle Quotes)
Our task is to widen our circle of compassion to include all living beings and all of nature (Circle Quotes)
I wish there were a class where we could just keep going around the circle. around and around, until we had finally said everything about ourselves (Circle Quotes)
Some people have a large circle of friends while others have only friends that they like (Circle Quotes)
So the story of man runs in a dreary circle, because he is not yet master of the earth that holds him (Circle Quotes)
My doubts stand in a circle around every word, I see them before I see the word, but what then! I do not see the word at all, I invent it (Circle Quotes)
.. then when the hurt goes, anger takes its place; when the anger runs out of system, loneliness steps in to take over. it’s a never ending circle of emotions; every lost emotion being replaced by another (Circle Quotes)
Tommy grabs my waist and swings me around in a circle. I drag my feet because I am opposed to people touching me when I’m not expecting it. Also because it will take more than dancing to cheer me up (Circle Quotes)
If you end your story, it’s a static work of art, a finite circle. But if you don’t, it belongs to anyone’s imagination. It stays alive forever (Circle Quotes)
The horizon of many people is a circle with a radius of zero. They call this their point of view (Circle Quotes)
It’s important to recognize that expanding the circle of opportunity and increasing the democratic potential of our own society, as well as those across the world, is a continuing process of inclusion (Circle Quotes)
In a narrow circle the mind grows narrow. The more one expands, the larger their aims (Circle Quotes)
There is a magic in that little world, home; it is a mystic circle that surrounds comforts and virtues never know beyond its hallowed limits (Circle Quotes)
Our life is an apprenticeship to the truth that around every circle another can be drawn; that there is no end in nature, but every end is a beginning, and under every deep a lower deep opens (Circle Quotes)
There is no greater bugbear than a strong willed relative in the circle of his own connections (Circle Quotes)
Cat: a soft indestructible automaton provided by nature to be kicked when things go wrong in the domestic circle (Circle Quotes)
It is idle to expect any great advancement in science from the superinducing and engrafting of new things upon old. We must begin anew from the very foundations, unless we would revolve for ever in a circle with mean and contemptible progress (Circle Quotes)