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Circumstances Quotes

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Death is always and under all circumstances a tragedy, for if it is not, then it means that life itself has become one  (Circumstances Quotes) That could be solved, siri said, perhaps it would help if you refrained from speaking when others are present. I think I should find you quite amiable in those circumstances  (Circumstances Quotes) O teach virtue we must educate the emotions, and this means learning what to feel in the various circumstances that prompt them  (Circumstances Quotes) Anxiety prepares the organism badly for an ordeal which even under more favorable circumstances would not be an easy thing to bear  (Circumstances Quotes) Each one fashions and bears his world with him, and that unless he himself become wise, strong and loving, no change in his circumstances can make him rich or free or happy  (Circumstances Quotes) The more upset a person is with other people, and with circumstances, and the more satisfied he is with himself, the further he is from wisdom  (Circumstances Quotes) Probably what my comment meant was that I don’t care about the circumstances if I can tell the truth  (Circumstances Quotes) To grow up under really simple circumstances, and to understand that certain things were ornamental... That made an impression on me as a child and is something I use  (Circumstances Quotes) So often we try to alter circumstances to suit ourselves, instead of letting them alter us, which is what they are meant to do  (Circumstances Quotes) The function of intellect is to provide a means of modifying our reactions to the circumstances of life, so that we may secure pleasure, the symptom of welfare  (Circumstances Quotes) The nature of the task needs to be renewed so people just don’t feel that all the hard work is in the same groove all the time, under the same circumstances and in the same environment  (Circumstances Quotes) To be able under all circumstances to practice five things constitutes perfect virtue; these five things are gravity, generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness and kindness  (Circumstances Quotes) Fortunately any of the songs we’ve recorded can be extremely fulfilling to perform depending on the variety of circumstances that surround any given show  (Circumstances Quotes) Inequality has the natural and necessary effect, under the present circumstances, of materializing our upper class, vulgarizing our middle class, and brutalizing our lower class  (Circumstances Quotes) That dependable courage, which in spite of the most sudden circumstances, nevertheless allows freedom of mind, of judgment and of decision, is exceedingly rare  (Circumstances Quotes) Nothing will ever die so long as it knows what to do under the circumstances, in other words so long as it knows its business  (Circumstances Quotes) Heroes and victims are the product of the mood they were in when opportunity came or when circumstances were at their worst  (Circumstances Quotes) Maybe he’s growing up. Or maybe he just needed the right circumstances to discover the best in himself  (Circumstances Quotes) Under no circumstances will any supporter try to tell me what I should do. That is why I have the track record that I have got  (Circumstances Quotes) At all times and under all circumstances, we have the power to transform the quality of our lives  (Circumstances Quotes) One can show the following: given any rule, however fundamental or necessary for science, there are always circumstances when it is advisable not only to ignore the rule, but to adopt its opposite  (Circumstances Quotes) A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanging, it is the skin of a living thought and may vary greatly in colour and content according to the circumstances and time in which it is used  (Circumstances Quotes) I got used to dealing with groups of boys and getting on with life in unpleasant circumstances and being smart and funny and subversive at the expense of authority  (Circumstances Quotes) It’s really important for me to get across to our fans that whenever I put myself in different circumstances. It is to learn from it so I can relay it to others  (Circumstances Quotes) In these circumstances I think we must take the bull by the horns and, making due allowances, quote whenever we feel that the allusion is interesting or helpful or amusing  (Circumstances Quotes) America has a way of inventing tradition each morning and erasing the past by nightfall, and the hold of ancient custom is endangered by a thousand circumstances  (Circumstances Quotes) When we desire or solicit any thing, our minds run wholly on the good side or circumstances of it; when it is obtained, our minds run wholly on the bad ones  (Circumstances Quotes) We are given one life and the decision is ours whether to wait for circumstances to make up our mind or whether to act, and in acting, to live  (Circumstances Quotes) The twisted circumstances under which we live is grist for the writing mill, the loving, hating and discovering, finding new handles for old pitchers  (Circumstances Quotes) A classic is a book that survives the circumstances that made it possible yet alone keeps those circumstances alive  (Circumstances Quotes)
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