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Circumstances Quotes

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We are not imprisoned by circumstances, setbacks, mistakes or staggering defeats, we are freed by our choices  (Circumstances Quotes) I’ve learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances  (Circumstances Quotes) If we’re given a number of circumstances to deal with, the brain goes into this mode of trying to find a solution, and it’s amazing how good we are at it  (Circumstances Quotes) The greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not our circumstances  (Circumstances Quotes) The secret of happiness is the determination to be happy always, rather than wait for outer circumstances to make one happy  (Circumstances Quotes) Circumstances cause us to act the way we do. We should always bear this in mind before judging the actions of others. I realized this from the start during World War II  (Circumstances Quotes) Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms - to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way  (Circumstances Quotes) He’s a novice, but he’s had these - he’s experienced in leadership in tight circumstances. He started - he dropped the first bomb, led the first air strike into North Vietnam  (Circumstances Quotes) I met Jesse Owens once. He was a remarkable individual, and I have tremendous respect for what he did in the Olympics under the circumstances  (Circumstances Quotes) I was born in very sorry circumstances. Both of my parents were very sorr  (Circumstances Quotes) Really big people are, above everything else, courteous, considerate and generous - not just to some people in some circumstances - but to everyone all the time  (Circumstances Quotes) The last of human freedoms - the ability to chose one’s attitude in a given set of circumstances  (Circumstances Quotes) To act coolly, intelligently and prudently in perilous circumstances is the test of a man - and also a nation  (Circumstances Quotes) And Clinton was like that - he saw the whole playing field. He didn’t just see the event that he was at or the circumstances of that week or that month. He saw the whole playing field all the time  (Circumstances Quotes) Every church is a stone on the grave of a god-man: it does not want him to rise up again under any circumstances  (Circumstances Quotes) As a civilian during the Second War, I was exposed to danger in circumstances which removed any distinction between the man in and the man out of uniform  (Circumstances Quotes) It may be an extreme example brought about by abnormal circumstances - but the criteria of human rights kick in, surely, precisely when the conditions are extreme and the situation is abnormal  (Circumstances Quotes) I think the French Open, in many ways, brought out a certain characteristic in me and in my game that was already there. Just the circumstances allowed for it to be able to show  (Circumstances Quotes) Obviously the Asian American community wants you to do well. They are cheering you on no matter what the circumstances  (Circumstances Quotes) I’ve always fought against being controlled and manipulated and stomped upon by circumstances  (Circumstances Quotes) Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and you will make of their circumstances the litter you have made of your own  (Circumstances Quotes) I am chilled by the realization of how similar circumstances in Europe in 2013 are to those of 100 years ago  (Circumstances Quotes) There is really no way we can know the heart, the intentions, or the circumstances of someone who might say or do something we find reason to criticize. Thus the commandment: ‘Judge not.’  (Circumstances Quotes) Your circumstances do not determine what your life will be; they reveal what kinds of images you have chosen up until now  (Circumstances Quotes) A lot of my work comes through accidents or circumstances that just happen to present themselves. I have to realize that something is presenting itself. Otherwise it slips right by  (Circumstances Quotes) Man makes circumstances, and spiritually as well as economically, is the artificer of his own fortune  (Circumstances Quotes) When we aren’t alert, we miss opportunities to improve ourselves. We should always watch for circumstances or situations that can help or harm us and be eager to learn from these encounters  (Circumstances Quotes) You can always find contradictions and hope, in hopeless circumstances, and a sense of redemption in somebody who makes the same mistake, over and over. So far, so good. That’s how I put it  (Circumstances Quotes) The quality of a person’s life does not depend on the circumstances of his life as much as the attitude with which he faces those circumstances  (Circumstances Quotes) Speak God’s words over your circumstances today. Speak His words in faith and watch Him move!  (Circumstances Quotes)
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