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Circumstances Quotes

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By getting the Word deep into your spirit and speaking it boldly out your mouth, you release spiritual power to change things in the natural circumstances  (Circumstances Quotes) It’s cheap, and you have a thinking, breathing bomb that can adjust to circumstances and cross the street to hit another target if the original one doesn’t look good  (Circumstances Quotes) Under no circumstances do I ever want to see any part of me having sex! I wouldn’t want to see video tape, pictures, in the mirror, nothing  (Circumstances Quotes) Even under the best of circumstances - in twenty-first century America at least - caring for elderly parents ain’t no place for sissies  (Circumstances Quotes) I think that’s what the war photography did for me. It showed me the human side of people and how certain circumstances can change people’s lives  (Circumstances Quotes) You can perceive life as tragic, or you can laugh at the tragedy of it and that turns it into comedy. It doesn’t change the circumstances  (Circumstances Quotes) You give yourself permission to be the person you want to be, the artist you want to be, no matter what your circumstances  (Circumstances Quotes) In the given circumstances you must be rooted in the play. Do not depart from the play. Don’t cut yourself off from your partner in the scene, or partners  (Circumstances Quotes) You must be so thoroughly immersed in the given circumstances of the play, then you decide what it is at any given moment what that the actor wants  (Circumstances Quotes) If you are serious about becoming like Christ, He is going to put you in circumstances where your only true choice is to become like Him  (Circumstances Quotes) I do this because I’m an observer of people. That’s why I want to be an actor. I’m fascinated by human beings and the circumstances they find themselves in  (Circumstances Quotes) I think if you want good things to happen for a country like Haiti, then you need to provide the circumstances where the Haitians can do that  (Circumstances Quotes) As Plotinus tells us, we elected the body, the parents, the place, and the circumstances that suited the soul and that, as the myth says, belongs to its necessity  (Circumstances Quotes) The circumstances, including my body and my parents, whom I may curse, are my soul’s own choice and I do not understand this because I have forgotten  (Circumstances Quotes) How well Shakespeare knew how to improve and exalt little circumstances, when he borrowed them from circumstantial or vulgar historians  (Circumstances Quotes) A happy person is not a person with a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitude  (Circumstances Quotes) Only those in comfortable circumstances think love is the most important thing  (Circumstances Quotes) Acting is the ability to live truthfully under the given imaginary circumstances  (Circumstances Quotes) Strive to realize a state of inward happiness, independent of circumstances  (Circumstances Quotes) Because of our social circumstances, male and female are really two cultures and their life experiences are utterly different  (Circumstances Quotes) Excellence has always been achieved by those who dared believe that something inside them is superior to circumstances. Believe in yourself  (Circumstances Quotes) When you feel down due to circumstances beyond your control look up. God loves you and will never leave you  (Circumstances Quotes) Happiness is an attitude of mind, born of the simple determination to be happy under all outward circumstances  (Circumstances Quotes) It shows a brave and resolute spirit not to be agitated in exciting circumstances  (Circumstances Quotes) You can’t always control the circumstances in life, but you can control your attitude toward those circumstances  (Circumstances Quotes) It’s best to give advice in only two circumstances; when it’s requested, and when it’s a life threatening situation  (Circumstances Quotes) Do not wait for ideal circumstances nor for the best opportunities; they will never come  (Circumstances Quotes) I do not pretend to write much of a letter. You know under what circumstances I am writing  (Circumstances Quotes) Our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become  (Circumstances Quotes) For every reason it’s not possible, there are hundreds of people who have faced the same circumstances and succeeded  (Circumstances Quotes)
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