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Circumstances Quotes

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I am... a realist. The magnitude of what one terms license or civil liberties or personal freedom has got to be adjusted to the circumstances  (Circumstances Quotes) His is a joy which consequences cannot quench. His is a peace which circumstances cannot steal  (Circumstances Quotes) The happiest people do not live with a certain set of circumstances, but rather with a certain set of attitudes  (Circumstances Quotes) The truly good and wise man will bear all kinds of fortune in a seemly way, and will always act in the noblest manner that the circumstances allow  (Circumstances Quotes) Circumstances do not determine state of being; state of being determines circumstances  (Circumstances Quotes) Don’t be an actor. Be a human being who works off what exists under imaginary circumstances  (Circumstances Quotes) Realism is to fiction what gravity is to walking: a confinement that allows dancing under the right circumstances  (Circumstances Quotes) Smile despite the circumstances and laugh throughout the pain. Life’s full of hardships but it is how you deal with them that will define you  (Circumstances Quotes) Everyone has the capacity for courage. We don’t need to face extreme circumstances to become admirable people  (Circumstances Quotes) Almost all people have this potential for evil, which would be unleashed only under certain dangerous social circumstances  (Circumstances Quotes) For each of us destiny is a blend of potential, circumstances, and choices  (Circumstances Quotes) Archimedes constructing his circle pays with his life for his defective biological adaptation to immediate circumstances  (Circumstances Quotes) The pathetic almost always consists in the detail of little circumstances  (Circumstances Quotes) Challenge yourself everyday to do better and be better. Remember, growth starts with a decision to move beyond your present circumstances  (Circumstances Quotes) For me, survival is the ability to cope with difficulties, with circumstances, and to overcome them  (Circumstances Quotes) What we actually learn, from any given set of circumstances, determines whether we become increasingly powerless or more powerful  (Circumstances Quotes) We need a different conception of happiness, more enduring and more genuine, not dependent on external circumstances  (Circumstances Quotes) Success in life has little to do with your circumstances and a lot to do with your choices  (Circumstances Quotes) Let the mind beware, that though the flesh be bugged, the circumstances of existence are pretty glorious  (Circumstances Quotes) The pressure of adversity does not affect the mind of the brave man. It is more powerful than external circumstances  (Circumstances Quotes) Happiness is a state of mind, and depends very little on outward circumstances  (Circumstances Quotes) When you get older, you have a much better sense of when it’s time to really recognize that you’re fortunate and that you should appreciate your circumstances  (Circumstances Quotes) The framework of a symphony must be so strong that it forces you to follow it, regardless of the environment and circumstances  (Circumstances Quotes) It never really was difficult for me not starting because I understood the circumstances  (Circumstances Quotes) You must bear in mind that each law is circumstantial. It does depend on the circumstances  (Circumstances Quotes) The power of effecting changes for the better is within ourselves, not in the favorableness of circumstances  (Circumstances Quotes) I’ve learned? That our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become  (Circumstances Quotes) To me, people’s lives and loves are entwined with their characters, natures and circumstances. I regard all general advice with skepticism  (Circumstances Quotes) The main thing is to remain oneself, under any circumstances; that was and is our common purpose  (Circumstances Quotes) The need to be loved and protected is at a peak when we feel abandoned and are particularly vulnerable to difficult circumstances  (Circumstances Quotes)
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