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Circumstances Quotes

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It’s difficult for democracy to function properly under the most favorable circumstances, but it has no chance at all when millions of voters are divorced from objective reality and incapable of understanding what is going on in Washington.  (Circumstances Quotes) While goals are chosen, a purpose is discovered. Our purpose is something we have been doing all along, and will continue to do, regardless of circumstances, until the day we die.  (Circumstances Quotes) I had no intention of becoming a performer, and yet under miraculous circumstances I was brought into the music industry fold. If divine powers hadn’t intervened, I’d still be living in China working in some area of Sino-American comparative law.  (Circumstances Quotes) Faith has nothing to do with circumstances, it deals entirely with the Word of God  (Circumstances Quotes) Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and you will make of their circumstances the litter you have made of your own.  (Circumstances Quotes) Highly proactive people don’t blame circumstances, conditions, or conditioning for their behavior. Their behavior is a product of their own conscious choice.  (Circumstances Quotes) When you allow circumstances beyond your control to determine your attitude and actions, you risk plunging into a downward spiral of hasty decisions and faulty judgments, to overreacting, giving up too soon, and missing those opportunities that always - always - appear just when you think life will never get better.  (Circumstances Quotes) It’s a tremendous feeling walking on to a set with a live audience and making them laugh, but I love drama, and I love drama where there’s the ability to bring comedy into it because in a lot of tragic circumstances in life there is comedy to be had.  (Circumstances Quotes) Just driving I just was in a car on flat ground and I couldn’t make it go. Having ticked driving and taken three driving lessons, I just was unable to produce any motion whatsoever under perfectly normal circumstances. I think we’ve all been busted on driving, and riding.  (Circumstances Quotes) We actors have it pretty easy and pretty hard. Easy ‘cause we have a meal provided to us every 6 hours every day and craft services. The hard part is staying fit under those circumstances.  (Circumstances Quotes) It’s sometimes too easy to point fingers when circumstances dramatically go awry, but as an addict, I’m ultimately responsible for my own decisions, no matter how benign or tragic the consequences.  (Circumstances Quotes) British business is disappointed that the MPC felt unable to act more boldly to counter the worsening economic circumstances and the sharp slowdown in the pace of economic activity,.  (Circumstances Quotes) Free market economists frequently see minimum wage legislation as mere political intervention. However, there are decent economic theories which show that, under certain circumstances, minimum wages can be beneficial, as it makes workers more productive.  (Circumstances Quotes) Any life is lived in a particular time and place. Every life is impacted by the family’s socio-economic circumstances, and, in later life, by the person’s.  (Circumstances Quotes) Obamacare is going to destroy the elderly by denying care, by even perhaps denying treatment to people who are in catastrophic circumstances.  (Circumstances Quotes) Who knows what technology will emerge in the next five years, let alone 20. Yet the education we provide our children now is supposed to last for decades. We cannot train them for jobs that do not even exist yet, but we can provide them with the minds and tools they’ll need to adapt to our ever-changing set of circumstances.  (Circumstances Quotes) Attitude lies somewhere between emotion and logic. It’s that curious mix of optimism and determination that enables you to maintain a positive outlook and to continue plodding in the face of the most adverse circumstances.  (Circumstances Quotes) Simply to ask a blessing upon one’s circumstances, whatever they are, is somehow to improve them, and to tap some mysterious source of energy and joy.  (Circumstances Quotes) I think that under ordinary circumstances (i.e., neither person is famous), it’s already hard enough to make a long-term romantic relationship work, but add fame to the calculus.  (Circumstances Quotes) I’m naive enough to think that love is always good no matter how long ago, no matter the circumstances.  (Circumstances Quotes) You learnt that, whatever you are doing in life, obstacles don’t matter very much. Pain or other circumstances can be there, but if you want to do a job bad enough, you’ll find a way to get it done.  (Circumstances Quotes) Due to these various circumstances, when I entered the Catholic University of Louvain in 1934, I had already travelled in a number of European countries and spoke four languages fairly fluently. This turned out to be a valuable asset in my subsequent career as a scientist.  (Circumstances Quotes) The nature of the task needs to be renewed so people just don’t feel that all the hard work is in the same groove all the time, under the same circumstances and in the same environment.  (Circumstances Quotes) The human will stands beyond all circumstances. Everything must go down before the will, for that comes from God Himself; a pure and a strong will is omnipotent. Before it all the powers, even of nature, must bow down, succumb, and become its servants - the strong gigantic, infinite will in man.  (Circumstances Quotes) There’s a difference between people who do hurtful things because they’re evil and people who do bad things because of their circumstances.  (Circumstances Quotes) I have found progress, personal growth, and new and exciting opportunities in my failure. I’ve grown more comfortable with the fact that in certain circumstances, I’m the person in the room who knows the least about what’s going on.  (Circumstances Quotes) When we watch a play under the standard circumstances, we’ve lost volition and time is passing. A still play feels like an existential threat.  (Circumstances Quotes) My staff’s job is to adjust to circumstances with technical precision and artful grace so that every patron has a wonderful experience.  (Circumstances Quotes) Life is not linear, it is organic. We create our lives symbiotically as we explore our talents in relation to the circumstances they help create for us  (Circumstances Quotes) Hip-hop - it’s the safari: it allows people who aren’t under those circumstances to come closer to inner-city life, to explore it without actually being in danger. It’s something kids in middle America indulge in to be rebellious.  (Circumstances Quotes)
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