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Circumstances Quotes

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Whilst the greatest threat to your mission is the internal aspects within you, the external circumstances need to be covered against as well. Scan your external environment and circumstances.  (Circumstances Quotes) Men’s activities are occupied into ways -- in grappling with external circumstances and in striving to set things at one in their own topsy-turvy mind.  (Circumstances Quotes) I was not a messiah, but an ordinary man who had become a leader because of extraordinary circumstances.  (Circumstances Quotes) I like to show ordinary people reacting to extraordinary circumstances. It’s an opportunity for adventure, and I like women to have adventures. There’s been far too little of it with women.  (Circumstances Quotes) The Black Prism’ is a story about two brothers who respect and fear and admire and contend with and shape each other. In other words, it’s a story of normal brothers - who happen to be in extraordinary circumstances.  (Circumstances Quotes) The stuff that I find really intriguing is always how do ordinary people behave in extraordinary circumstances. And that’s why we have a lot of cop shows and lawyer shows and medical shows is that you’re looking for situations that just always heighten the stakes.  (Circumstances Quotes) In war, people find themselves in extraordinary circumstances, and in those circumstances, they act in extraordinary ways. In war, you see people at their very best and their very worst, acting in ways you could never imagine. War is human drama at its most epic and most intense.  (Circumstances Quotes) For every reason it’s not possible, there are hundreds of people who have faced the same circumstances and succeeded.  (Circumstances Quotes) No matter the circumstances, I encourage you to go forward with faith and prayer, calling on the Lord. You may not receive any direct revelation. But you will discover, as the years pass, that there has been a subtle guiding of your footsteps in paths of progress and great purpose.  (Circumstances Quotes) How one responds in these dire circumstances says a lot about one’s faith and the strength of one’s beliefs.  (Circumstances Quotes) America was never innocent. We popped our cherry on the boat over and looked back with no regrets. You can’t ascribe our fall from grace to any single event or set of circumstances. You can’t lose what you lacked at conception.  (Circumstances Quotes) There are lots of reasons for that gap between men’s and women’s wages but to me, the big one is the work-family issue. Trying to juggle children and a job is tough under any circumstances, but especially if you’re shooting for the kind of career that involves long hours at work and being on call 24-7.  (Circumstances Quotes) First and foremost, I would like to extend my deepest sympathies to the family of Michael Brown. As I have said in the past, I know that, regardless of the circumstances here, they lost a loved one to violence. I know the pain that accompanies such a loss knows no bounds.  (Circumstances Quotes) I know you may feel so far that circumstances have directed your path, but right now I want you to know that you do have a choice.  (Circumstances Quotes) Physical education for the body to be effective must be rigorous and detailed, far sighted and methodological. This will be translated into habits. These habits should be controlled and disciplined, while remaining flexible enough to adapt themselves to circumstances and to the needs of growth and development of the being.  (Circumstances Quotes) The fatal mistake is waiting for life’s circumstances to be right before we begin. Simply begin with your heart, look deeply into it and trust what you feel. Practice knowing and you will know.  (Circumstances Quotes) However desperate the situation and circumstances, don’t despair. When there is everything to fear, be unafraid. When surrounded by dangers, fear none of them. When without resources, depend on resourcefulness. When surprised, take the enemy by surprise.  (Circumstances Quotes) I believe in the power of media. I really do. It’s my soapbox. And I do have an agenda, because I’m enraged by the limitations forced on people - by poverty, oppression, hatred, fear - and I’m saddened by the kind of loss we all experienced due to the contributions that people cannot make because of their circumstances.  (Circumstances Quotes) As long as you’re actively pursuing your dream with a practical plan, you’re still achieving, even if it feels as though you’re going nowhere fast. Its been my experience that at the very moment I feel like giving up, I’m only one step from a breakthrough. Hang on long enough and circumstances will change, too. Trust in yourself, your dream and spirit.  (Circumstances Quotes) Once you make the majors, it’s never a great feeling to go back to the minors - no matter what the circumstances.  (Circumstances Quotes) We are all victims because of the circumstances, but I’m not sure what to say to any one who has lost a loved one. I know the feeling myself, and words just don’t do much to ease the pain.  (Circumstances Quotes) There’s an interesting book called The Fugu Plan, written by Marvin Tokayer and Mary Swartz, which describes the circumstances when European Jews came to Japan, a semi-feudal society.  (Circumstances Quotes) Many comedic stars have tried to a do a ‘Night at the Museum’ type film, in which an everyday Joe reacts to insane circumstances. Many flat out failed.  (Circumstances Quotes) Some women lose their husbands, and their worlds change because their financial circumstances change. All I have in common with them is a grief.  (Circumstances Quotes) I do this because I’m an observer of people. That’s why I want to be an actor. I’m fascinated by human beings and the circumstances they find themselves in.  (Circumstances Quotes) But your solitude will be a support and a home for you, even in the midst of very unfamiliar circumstances, and from it you will find all your paths.  (Circumstances Quotes) If you find yourself in the midst of dire circumstances, focus on your current blessings and future victories.  (Circumstances Quotes) I think that we’re all always just working on finding how that balance functions for us, given today’s circumstances.  (Circumstances Quotes) Peace does not lie in getting God to give me other circumstances. Peace lies in finding God in these circumstances.  (Circumstances Quotes) We are doing everything we can to protect the food supply. And I can tell you that we’re making decisions based upon sound science and good public policy, given the circumstances that we are now in.  (Circumstances Quotes)
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