Citizens Quotes

Text Quotes
There are jobs that American citizens will not do. We can talk about why that is. We can talk about how our welfare state is broken, how we encourage people not to work, but that doesn’t help the farmer pick his peaches this summer. (Citizens Quotes)
Since Franklin Roosevelt’s leadership in setting up the United Nations and the Nuremberg trials, the U.S. has promoted universal legal norms and the institutions to enforce them while seeking, by hook or by crook, to exempt American citizens, especially soldiers, from their actual application. (Citizens Quotes)
What Mexicans want and aspire to, is to go there and work temporarily and raise some money and come back home. That’s what they want, so nobody’s asking for those two, three million Mexicans that are illegally in the United States to become American citizens. (Citizens Quotes)
When a nominee for the Supreme Court, one of only nine lifetime appointments, makes an overtly brazen racist comment about tens of millions of American citizens, we don’t need lectures. What we need to do is to confront her with what she said and what it says about her. (Citizens Quotes)
In going too far, they [presidents] have taken away the individual rights of American citizens (Citizens Quotes)
American citizens have been killed abroad by drones with no due process, no accountability, no judicial review. (Citizens Quotes)
We will be fair, just, and compassionate to all, but our greatest compassion must be for our American citizens. (Citizens Quotes)
The American experience influenced my understanding of individuality, basic human rights, freedom of expression and the rights and responsibilities of citizens. (Citizens Quotes)
Immigration reform should mean something else entirely. It should mean improvements to our laws and policies to make life better for American citizens. (Citizens Quotes)
Donald Trump is more concerned about the American people, American citizens, people who are here legally, people that are struggling in this economy. (Citizens Quotes)
As it turns out, American-made technology had helped Mubarak and his security state collect, compile, and parse vast amounts of data about everyday citizens. (Citizens Quotes)
Despite the repeated attacks on American citizens by illegal aliens released from our jails, DHS refuses to stop freeing violent criminals who are in our country illegally. (Citizens Quotes)
We must protect the civil rights of American citizens - African-Americans, Hispanic Americans, and all Americans - by ensuring that their jobs, wages, and well-being come first. (Citizens Quotes)
I completely agree with the concept that American citizens shouldn’t expect that a failure of a bank would cost them money, or that it would hurt the economy. (Citizens Quotes)
Under unitary executive theory, the [George W.]Bush administration has claimed the right to seize American citizens in the United States and imprison them indefinitely without a charge. (Citizens Quotes)
Donald Trump is going to remain completely focused on American citizens and people who are here legally, and how we get this country working for people who play by the rules. (Citizens Quotes)
It is our right to stay here and we will stay and stand up for what belongs to us as American citizens, because they can’t say that we haven’t had patience. (Citizens Quotes)
If American citizens don’t wake up and adopt the Virgil Goode position on immigration there will likely be many more Muslims elected to office and demanding the use of the Koran (Citizens Quotes)
The shortest distance between where we are today as a nation and an effective return to increasing our freedoms and widespread prosperity is for regular American citizens to read and study the great books. (Citizens Quotes)
The big thing is to make this country... quit discriminating against people just because they’re gay. You don’t have to agree with it, but they have a constitutional right to be gay. ... They’re American citizens. (Citizens Quotes)
Resurrecting American democracy is vital to averting climate catastrophe. We must first repeal the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling, which has flooded elections with billions of oily petrodollars from carbon tycoons. (Citizens Quotes)
Yes, my fellow citizens, despite what the original Constitution of the United States says about the qualifications for statehood and the guarantee of representation in Congress, by every measure that truly matters in America (bigness, crowdedness, awesomeness, Texasness), Nebraska doesn’t deserve its star on the American flag. (Citizens Quotes)
Not only are most of our citizens fathomlessly ignorant of the glories of American literature, a fast-growing percentage of our students are no longer taught much about any works of American art, be they novels, paintings, symphonies or ballets. (Citizens Quotes)
Before Social Security existed, about half of America’s senior citizens lived in poverty (Citizens Quotes)
I pray that politicians, lawmakers and religious leaders have the courage to support the choices terminally ill citizens make in departing Mother Earth with dignity and love. (Citizens Quotes)
Most people think that animals are third-class citizens. Very few people really see animals as the others with whom we inhabit this planet. They have equal rights with us. (Citizens Quotes)
Even in the Western world, one cannot argue that the ideal has been achieved given the existence of issues like the integration, participation and representation of Muslim citizens, and occasional but lingering anti-Semitism. (Citizens Quotes)
Freedom under law is hard work. If rulers cannot be trusted with arbitrary power, it is up to citizens to raise their voices at injustice. (Citizens Quotes)
If the federal government won’t secure the border, the State of Arizona will step in to complement federal efforts in a constitutional manner and protect the security of its citizens. (Citizens Quotes)
A government which does not trust its citizens to be armed is not itself to be trusted (Citizens Quotes)