City Quotes

Text Quotes
In 1964, when we first arrived in New York City, I remember vividly seeing the skyline of Manhattan, and our first proposal of 1964 was to wrap two lower Manhattan buildings. We never got permission. (City Quotes)
For people who mourn for old Times Square - hey, there’s a ton of places in the city still like that! Get on the train and go visit them! (City Quotes)
Everyone who moves to New York City has a book or movie or song that epitomizes the place for them. For me, it’s ‘The Cricket in Times Square’, written by George Selden and illustrated by Garth Williams. (City Quotes)
When I was growing up in New Jersey, my mom would regularly take my sister and I into the city to see shows. I have many fond memories of standing in the half-price ticket line in Times Square and going to matinees. (City Quotes)
During one of his uncannily well-timed impromptu visits to my restaurant, Union Square Cafe, Pat Cetta taught me how to manage people. Pat was the owner of a storied New York City steakhouse called Sparks, and by that time, he was an old pro at running a fine restaurant. (City Quotes)
When the Great Fire of London destroyed most of the medieval city in 1666, Christopher Wren was invited to design a new one. Within days, he had drawn up an elegant grid of broad boulevards leading to majestic squares, but it came to nothing - the existing landowners wanted things as they had been. (City Quotes)
Whether it is an attempt to bomb the New York City subway system, an attempt to bring down an airplane over Detroit, an attempt to set off a bomb in Times Square... I think that gives us a sense of the breadth of the challenges that we face, and the kinds of things that our enemy is trying to do. (City Quotes)
[We’re] told cars cause pollution. A 100 years ago city streets were ankle deep in horse excrement. What kind of pollution do you want? Would you rather die of cancer at eighty or typhoid fever at nine? (City Quotes)
It’s unnatural for people to run around the city streets unless they are thieves or victims. It makes people nervous to see someone running. I know that when I see someone running on my street, my instincts tell me to let the dog go after him. (City Quotes)
Each day when you see us black folk upon the dusty land of your farm or upon the hard pavement of your city streets, you usually take it for granted and think you know us, but our history is far stranger than you suspect, and we are not what we seem. (City Quotes)
We should teach general ethics to both men and women, but sexual relationships themselves must not be policed. Sex, like the city streets, would be risk-free only in totalitarian regimes. (City Quotes)
In the holy solipsism of the young Now I can’t walk thru a city street w/out eying each single pedestrian. I feel thier vibe thru my skin, the hair on my neck --- it rises. (City Quotes)
It would be great to take one city street and turn it into a pedestrian corridor and see what kind of effect it has on the businesses in that area - It’s the future I think. (City Quotes)
To be sure, hunters and sportsmen back gun rights. Beyond that, there are millions who see guns as a defense against fear - fear of criminals breaking into their homes or assaulting them on city streets. (City Quotes)
I love just seeing shots of New York inside of a fictional movie that are not controlled. I do not like shots with extras, I have to say. I don’t mind extras in other scenes, but I love New York City streets just as they look. I don’t even care if someone looks at the camera. It doesn’t bother me. (City Quotes)
Every city in the world always has a gang, a street gang, or the so-called outcasts (City Quotes)
Bonuses balance my budget in New York City. The bigger the bonuses on Wall Street, the more money I had to spend on poor people. The New York City budget is determined greatly by the bonuses given on Wall Street. (City Quotes)
The modern city consists of...dark, narrow streets full of gasoline fumes, coal dust, and toxic gasses, torn by the noise... (City Quotes)
The murder of John Kennedy in broad daylight in the streets of an American city remains, to me, an unsolved crime. (City Quotes)
I couldn’t think of another city in the world that lined its streets with stone leviathans honoring failed rebels against the state. (City Quotes)
My ideal city would be one long main street with no cross streets or side streets to jam up traffic. Just a long one-way street. (City Quotes)
These New York City streets get colder, I shoulder every burden every disadvantage I’ve learned to manage. I don’t have a gun to brandish. I walk these streets famished. (City Quotes)
I’ve always had a love affair with New York City, and I’ve threatened to get an apartment there one day. But it just made sense for me to set ‘Burlesque’ on the Sunset Strip in Los Angeles. It’s a place I know intimately well and love, and I think there’s a great story to be told with L.A. (City Quotes)
I live in New Hampshire. We’re in favor of global warming. Eleven hundred more feet of sea-level rises? I’ve got beachfront property. You tell us up there, ‘By the end of the century, New York City could be underwater,’ and we say, ‘Your point is?’ (City Quotes)
I’m obviously not an advocate of Christian America or a simplistic view of America as ‘a city on a hill.’ (City Quotes)
There is no one-size-fits-all solution to the challenges facing our cities or to the housing crisis, but the two issues need to be considered together. From an urban design and planning point of view, the well-connected open city is a powerful paradigm and an engine for integration and inclusivity. (City Quotes)
When I was mayor of New York, my views changed. I began as mayor of New York City thinking that I could reform the New York City school system. After two or three years, four years, I became an advocate of choice, of scholarships, and vouchers, and parental choice, because I thought that was the only way to really change the school system. (City Quotes)
Every place but that in which one is born is equally strange and wondrous. Once beyond the bounds of the city walls, and none knows what may happen. We have stepped forth into the Land of Faerie, but at least we are in the open air. (City Quotes)
Part of this country’s problem is that people from New York City - Wall Streeters - don’t think about the little guy who can’t afford things. (City Quotes)
Tonight the city is full of morgues, and all the toilets are overflowing. There’s shopping malls coming out of the walls, as we walk out among the manure. That’s why I pay no mind. (City Quotes)