Civil Liberties Quotes

Text Quotes
Civil liberty is only natural liberty, modified and secured by the sanctions of civil society (Civil Liberties Quotes)
I trust the federal government not to trample on civil liberties (Civil Liberties Quotes)
Civil liberties, good. Lawyers, bad. (Civil Liberties Quotes)
The government should always be the one defending civil liberties (Civil Liberties Quotes)
Terrorism is escalating to the point that Americans soon may have to choose between civil liberties and more intrusive means of protection. (Civil Liberties Quotes)
How can you be conservative and justify wiretapping people without a warrant? We’re supposed to be the party of personal freedom and civil liberties. (Civil Liberties Quotes)
I grew up in the 1960s in Memphis, and my father was a member of the American Civil Liberties Union. I was born three years before Martin Luther King was killed, and I think that history of civil action was something that I had in my blood. (Civil Liberties Quotes)
But 18 years after the passage of the Civil Liberties Act, there still remains unfinished work to completely rectify and close this regrettable chapter in our Nations history. (Civil Liberties Quotes)
A people who extend civil liberties only to preferred groups start down the path either to dictatorship of the right or the left. (Civil Liberties Quotes)
Men are qualified for civil liberty in exact proportion to their disposition to put moral chains upon their own appetites. (Civil Liberties Quotes)
Americans need to understand the significance of having their civil liberties dismantled. It doesn’t just affect terrorists and foreigners, it affects us all. (Civil Liberties Quotes)
Liberals are stalwart defenders of civil liberties - provided we’re only talking about criminals. (Civil Liberties Quotes)
For me, it was definitely an education in being grateful. And appreciating the civil liberties we have today, the natural liberties we have at home. (Civil Liberties Quotes)
It is crucial that civil liberties in this country be preserved otherwise the terrorists will win the battle against American values without firing another shot. (Civil Liberties Quotes)
In order to have greater visibility of the larger cyber threat landscape, we must remove the government bureaucratic stovepipes that inhibit our abilities to effectively defend America while ensuring citizens’ privacy and civil liberties are also protected. (Civil Liberties Quotes)
Those concerns of a national character-such as air and water pollution that do not respect state boundaries, or the national transportation system, or efforts to safeguard your civil liberties-must, of course, be handled on the national level. (Civil Liberties Quotes)
The seemingly omnipresent storm clouds hanging over the Constitution often make it hard to find a silver lining. Every day, the front page of The Drudge Report is littered with stories of government assaults on our civil liberties - from local government officials all the way up to the Oval Office (Civil Liberties Quotes)
In the 1880s, people all over the world looked to America for inspiration. Its very existence was proof that it was possible to have a relatively free and peaceful country. No income tax, no foreign wars, no welfare state, no intrusions on civil liberties (Civil Liberties Quotes)
Most liberals think of civil liberties as their Achilles heel. It isn’t (Civil Liberties Quotes)
I am absolutely comfortable with the fact that men marrying men, women marrying women, and heterosexual men and women marrying another are entitled to the same exact rights, all the civil rights, all the civil liberties. And quite frankly, I don’t see much of a distinction - beyond that (Civil Liberties Quotes)
Terrorists in 6 weeks have been able to command 300 million North Americans to do away with the entirety of their civil liberties that took 700 years to advance from the Magna Carta onward. The terrorists have already won the political and ideological war with one terrorist act. It is mindboggling that we are that weak as a society (Civil Liberties Quotes)
One of the most clearly marked trends for over twenty years has been the decline in civil liberties. (Civil Liberties Quotes)
Republicans are horrible with civil liberties, and not so good with dollars and cents. Democrats are horrible with dollars and cents, and not so good with civil liberties. (Civil Liberties Quotes)
Technology provides us means outside of governments to begin enforcing our rights, enforcing protection of civil liberties, regardless of law, through the implementation of systems and standards. (Civil Liberties Quotes)
The Point, not unlike the Communist Chinese, the ACLU abhors individual religious freedom, and it supports only those civil liberties that fit its narrow political agenda. (Civil Liberties Quotes)
No one should be surprised that in the balance between national security and civil liberties, President [Donald] Trump, like candidate Trump wants to be more aggressive. (Civil Liberties Quotes)
I am ... a realist. The magnitude of what one terms license or civil liberties or personal freedom has got to be adjusted to the circumstances. (Civil Liberties Quotes)
I believe in civil liberties for homosexuals. I guess I’d have to say I’d draw the line at letting them teach in the schools. (Civil Liberties Quotes)
Henry David Thoreau was an oddball job quitter and ne’er-do-well who evolved into the bearded sage of literature, natural history, and civil liberties. (Civil Liberties Quotes)
Obama behaves like a centrist who leans tentatively left on certain social programs but boldly right on military force and civil liberties. (Civil Liberties Quotes)