Civil Quotes

Text Quotes
If Willie Nelson had been Rosa Parks, there never would have been a civil rights movement in this country, because he refuses to leave the back of the bus (Civil Quotes)
After all, I think Forrest was the most remarkable man our Civil War produced on either side (Civil Quotes)
Our involvement in the civil rights movement is what sent us into our involvement against apartheid (Civil Quotes)
Business, labor and civil society organizations have skills and resources that are vital in helping to build a more robust global community (Civil Quotes)
I am... a realist. The magnitude of what one terms license or civil liberties or personal freedom has got to be adjusted to the circumstances (Civil Quotes)
You can’t say peaceful protests achieve more than violent ones, in fact tell that to the people who fought for civil rights (Civil Quotes)
If gay and lesbian people are given civil rights, then everyone will want them (Civil Quotes)
My religious faith remains in possession of the field only after prolonged civil war with my naturally skeptical mind (Civil Quotes)
I don’t trust everyone. We can be civil, but I’m smart enough to know what I can and can’t say anyone you (Civil Quotes)
Everyone says we have our first African American president. Has there ever been a Jewish president? An Italian president? They don’t say a damn thing about that. You think we’re still fighting the Civil War or something. If you want to mention it in passing, OK. But don’t dwell on it (Civil Quotes)
Sometimes I wish eastern Congo could suffer an earthquake or a tsunami, so that it might finally get the attention it needs. The barbaric civil war being waged here is the most lethal conflict since World War II and has claimed at least 30 times as many lives as the Haiti earthquake (Civil Quotes)
There are still civil rights issues. There are still people who can’t be visited by their spouse in the hospital because they’re gay. These are humanitarian issues. At the end of the day, all you want is for people to be happy in the pursuit of life, love and liberty (Civil Quotes)
We must protect the very things that make America so special - most certainly including our civil liberties. But we cannot do so without strong national security and a thoughtful and informed discourse (Civil Quotes)
The Civil Rights movement should thank God for Bull Connor. He’s helped it as much as Abraham Lincoln (Civil Quotes)
Obesity is a societal issue. We have to come together with government, business, civil society, and NGOs to create solutions for this (Civil Quotes)
... there was the first Balkan war and the second Balkan war and then there was the first world war. It is extraordinary how having done a thing once you have to do it again, there is the pleasure of coincidence and there is the pleasure of repetition, and so there is the second world war, and in between there was the Abyssinian war and the Spanish civil war (Civil Quotes)
They who say that women do not desire the right of suffrage, that they prefer masculine domination to self-government, falsify every page of history, every fact in human experience. It has taken the whole power of the civil and canon law to hold woman in the subordinate position which it is said she willingly accepts (Civil Quotes)
Luxury, or a refinement on the pleasures and conveniences of life, had long been supposed the source of every corruption in government, and the immediate cause of faction, sedition, civil wars, and the total loss of liberty. It was, therefore, universally regarded as a vice, and was an object of declamation to all satyrists, and severe moralists (Civil Quotes)
For the past several years, I’ve been harboring a fantasy, a last political crusade for the baby-boom generation. We, who started on the path of righteousness, marching for civil rights and against the war in Vietnam, need to find an appropriately high-minded approach to life’s exit ramp (Civil Quotes)
Patience is no small, fell-good personal quality. It is at the heart of diplomacy and civility, lawfulness and civil order. Without it, people can’t work together and society can’t function at all. With it, we create the possibility of peace between people and between nations (Civil Quotes)
... though mathematics may teach a man how to build a bridge, it is what the Scotch Universities call the humanities, that teach him to be civil and sweet-tempered (Civil Quotes)
They don’t worship at the altar of forced busing and mandatory quotas. They don’t believe you can remedy past discrimination by mandating new discrimination. (Defending his nominees for Civil Rights Commission) (Civil Quotes)
I want some help on this. I’m being very honest, I want some ideas, as somebody who was arrested 50 years ago fighting for Civil Rights trying to desegregate schools in Chicago, who spent his whole life fighting against racism, I want your ideas. What do you think we can do? What can we do? (Civil Quotes)
I have a long history in fighting for civil rights. I understand that many people in the African-American community may not understand that (Civil Quotes)
Britain has invented a new missile. It’s called the civil servant - it doesn’t work and it can’t be fired (Civil Quotes)
When people think of slavery, they think of an era from the distant past. Grainy photographs from Civil War times. And yet it goes on (Civil Quotes)
Look at the Civil Rights Movement. Look at any kind of fight for change. People had to keep fighting and taking their rights. Rights are never given to you. They have to be fought for and they have to be taken (Civil Quotes)
America certainly has made extraordinary progress. The collective unconscious of the nation has certainly shifted as a result of the civil rights movement and the developments in the 70s and 80s. We have witnessed a great expansion of the black middle class (Civil Quotes)
President Obama, right after the Gabby Gifford shooting said we need to usher in a new era of civil discourse in politics. But not heeding his own advice (Civil Quotes)
Before the Civil War, there were no national cemeteries, no processes for identifying the dead in the battle. There weren’t any dog tags, and there was no next-of-kin notification. You didn’t necessarily even hear what the fate of your loved ones had been. It was up to their comrades to write and inform you (Civil Quotes)